Never Too Late: Jackson (GOT7) Fanfic

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"Jackson. I'm doing this as a friend. Your girl has been fucking Mark!" you shouted.

"What do you know. You don't know love! You only had a crush and that was on me!" he shouted.

"Yah! Yes I did have a crush on you. And maybe I still do, but I'm saying this to you as a friend. Your girlfriend has been fucking Mark for the past few months now!" you shouted back.

"You should just leave." he shouted and pushed you out the door.

"Excuse me?" you asked a bit hurt.

"Leave! You have no right to talk about my girlfriend like that!" he said.

"But it's the truth!" you shouted.

"You're lying!" he shouted "Get out! You stupid basic bitch!"

"Fine! Just know when you come to find the truth, don't come crying to me because it will be too late. And yes. I did love you. More than anything in this world!" you said and walked out leaving Jackson standing there.

Jackson's P.O.V.:

I decided to walk to my girlfriend's house and see if all ________ said was true. I walked in and sat on the couch.

"Hey baby!" she said and came and sat on my lap.

"How have you been?" I asked her.

"I've been good. How have you been?" she said.

As I was about to answer, I heard a voice from the back speak.

"Babe? Who is it?" it called.

The person came into the room and there I saw Mark shirtless. Everything played in my head from when ___________ tried to warn me. Anger rushed through my body that I quickly pushed the girl onto the couch and began punching Mark.

"You. Stupid. Ass. Bitch." I shouted after every punch.

I got up and walked to ________'s house.

Your P.O.V.:

After you were forced to leave. You didn't know what to do next. You looked around and decided to just leave. You walked home and went inside. You grabbed your luggage and began packing all of your stuff. You shoved it in and began grabbing everything that was yours and shoved it in a different bag.

Jackson's P.O.V.:

I was nearly running to __________'s house now. I needed to apologize for my actions. And it hit me that, I actually do love her. I knocked on her door but there was no answer. I used the spare key and got in to find everything empty and cold. Nothing was in there. I slumped to the ground crying my eyes out. I looned everywhere for a sign. And I saw an envelope. I quickly opened it hoping it would say Gotchu' haha. But it read:

Dear Jackson,

If you are reading this, than you will probably discover that I have ddecided to leave S. Korea and go back to the states. I loved you so much that I was too late to tell you that I loved you with all my heart. Don't try to look for me because it will be better this way. I hope you realize that I helped you because I loved you. And I did it because I cared for you. Now I hope that you and your girl has an awesome relationship, even though, you are THEIR THIRD WHEEL. Bye! ❤

I held the paper to my chest and felt tears stream down my face. I felt hurt that I lost my friend who has always been there for me and I lost my girl who has been fucking my friend. What a day. I dialed ____________'s number.

- Hello

- _____________. Please come back!

- Why? It's too late. I'm already at Incheon Airport. My flight leaves in about thirty minutes.

- Please don't be like this.

- Jackson? Are you crying?

- Yea

- Why?

- Because I need to tell you that I have always loves you but I was too blind and now it is too late.

- It's not too late

- What are you talking about.

- Read the back of the letter.

I read it and smiled. I ran to where she wrote and it happened to be at GOT7'S dorm. I opened the door and saw her there.

"I thought it was too late" I said almost crying.

"Well it's never too late" she said and hugged me.

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