You Look... : Amber F(X) Fanfic

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Note: So everybody knows that Amber had said that if Ailee wins No. 1 with her album, she would wear a skirt and high heels. Even though Ailee was the one to add the high heels. Enjoy! GO AMBER! You can do it! ♥

"Hurry up babe!" you shouted impatiently.

"NO! I looke wierd!" she said her voice quivering.

"How can i judge when I can't see?" you asked.

"Fine. I'm going to come out but don't laugh. You laugh, we're going out but I'm wearing baggy clothes" she said as she opened the door.

        You saw the door open but nobody came out. you stood there waiting. You saw her red hair poke out from the side and she slowly came into view. Her plaided skirt was knee length, her heels were two inches off of the ground. Her red hair partially came infront of her face like how she had it in red. She looked at you. You're reaction wasn't what had expected. you had expected to burst out laughing at how she looked so masculine but instead, your eyes were big as saucers, your mouth was wide open, and you begna sweating a whole river just at her appearance.

"Babe? Don't laugh," she said hesitating.

        You stood there not even taking your eyes off of her for a whole second. you stood there, your palms sweaty.

"Babe?" she asked worried "You good?"

        You continued staring at her, you could of sworn there were beam of lights that were covering her body. Her body fit into the dress perfectly as if it was a jigsaw puzzle. She walked up to you.

"Babe?" she said waving her hands in front of your face.

        You finally recovered and smiled at her. She took that as her cue and smiled back. You guys got ready and walked to the destination. You guys walked to the five-star restaurant. You guys ate there and talked.

"How do I look?" she asked curious.

"You look... nice" you stuttered.

        You guys finished your meals and walked out. You guys walked out to find the breeze riding past. You took off your jacket and hovered it over her. You held her hand and continued walking. You guys walked through a park where light posts were on both sides.

"Are you cold?" you asked.

"Kind of" she said.

"At least you look fantastic! You rocked the dress perfectly!" you said and continued walking home.

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