Still The Same: Yugyeom (GOT7) Fanfic

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Fans crowded the airport waiting for the idols to come. You were walking waiting for your best friend and was getting very impatient. You heard people screaming and shouting as people came through the double doors. A group of seven boys came walking out from the doors and was trying to ass through the crowd. Your phone rang and you answered.

"Hello?" you answered.

"Where are you?" the voice boomed.

"Right in front of the door you told me to wait dumbass!" you said irritated.

"Are you mad? Or nah!" you hung up and left your friend  confused.

You looked and saw that your friend was in the group of seven guys but the last one. You walked towards the group but antsy fans  pushed around and around that you got dizzy and fell .

"Are you okay?" a voice was heard and you looked up.

"Are you okay?" another voice asked.

You looked up and saw your friend Yugyeom and the leader. You looked at Yugyeom and gave him a smirk and grabbed the leader's hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine," you smiled at the leader which he smiled in relief.

You looked at Yugyeom and he looked angry.

"Yugi-ah? Is you mad or nah!" you laughed and he couldn't help but laugh.

"Wait, you know him?" the leader asked.

You nodded your head and told him that he was your childhood best friend.

"So you must be _________?" the leader asked and you nodded in response.

You were greeted by the other members and all the fans just sent death glares towards you.

"Oppa!" the fans screamed and ran towards them.

Some of the fans attacked you while the other fans distracted GOT7. You were being pulled by your hair and was being dragged.

"You are stealing our baby!"

"Leave m baby alone!"

"You're nothing other than a low life scum bag!"

"You are trash!"

"You can never be with them!"

Comment after comment were spat at you while you were being beaten. You grabbed one of the girls wrist and swung her around. You hopped on top of her and began banging your fist against her face, while the girls were still grabbing you by the hair. You got up and grabbed your next target and just began hitting her. You turned around and notice that the fans were still distracting the boys so you had no choice. You felt your hair being yanked and you fell back. You were being dragged for some time when you made yourself get up and fight the girl that was dragging you.

"BITCH! YOU DON'T KNOW WHO THE FUCK YOU MESSIN' WITH!" you shouted and it caught Yugyeom's attention.

"_____________!" Yugyeom shouted your name.

Yugyeom's P.O.V.:

I was just doing the usual fan service: taking pictures, signing autographs, and smiling. But I could have sworn I heard  __________ shout and looked back and saw that she wasn't by my side. How can I be so stupid.

"______________!" I shouted but nothing came from her.

I looked around and that was when I saw her. She was dragging a girl by the hair and banging her face with her fist.

"Still the same!" he laughed.

Your P.O.V.:

You were being left to right. I grabbed the fan by the hair and dragged her around the floor as if she was a mop. You dropped her and a fan came up. She ran up on you, but you quickly moved and stuck out your foot. She tripped and fell. You finished your little fan war with those many fans and made your way to GOT7. They saw you and looked at you with worried and surprised expressions. You saw Yugyeom laughing.

"Why are you laughing dweeb?" you asked making the guys flinch.

"You still are the same," he said.

"What?" you said.

"You are still the same. The same tough girl when she his tempted to." he laughed.

"How do you know her anyways?" Jackson asked.

"You know the girl that I was telling that kicked my ass?" Yugyeom asked and they all nodded and then he pointed to you.

You were in the process of fixing your hair. You put it in a messy bun and looked at the boys who had a scared expression.

"What?" you asked.

"You're the one that beat his ass?" they asked.

"You told them?" you shouted.

"Yeah. See, she is still the same. The tough girl!" he shouted and you guys laughed.

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