EXO Next Door: Kai (EXO) Fanfic

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It's been three years since you and your boyfriend broke up... Or in other words... You left him because you found him kissing up on a girl while they were on break and at a club. You decided to leave after you saw him and ignored all of his calls and text messages. You went back to your parents and siblings. You were Samoan and your around the same age as Kai... Your ex.

"___________! We are going to welcome the new neighbors. Do you want to come?" your dad asked.

"No.... I'll stay," you said and went to your room.

It wasn't that long when your dad said that they invited the neighbors to have something to eat with you guys so you were called to go in the kitchen and do feaus.

feaus is like a word for chores.

You went in the kitchen and put on and ie lavalava.

Ie lavalava or just "ie" is a fabric hat you wrap around your waist when you do feaus and other things.

A knock was heard and your dad rushed to go open the door. You were making the food with your mom and your sister. Your dad and your brothers were talking with the guests.

"Welcome!" your dad said loudly "Do you guys want some water?"

"If you don't mind" one of them said.

"___________. Alu au mai sefululua fagu vai fa'amolemole" your dad shouted. (__________. Go bring twelve water bottles please.)

"Kay" you said and went to go grab twelve "E mana'o lesi mea?"  (Do you want anything else?"

"Do you guys want anything to eat before we actually eat?" your dad asked the guys.

"No thank you. We will wait?" a guy with a soft voice said.

"Leai" your dad said. (No)

You grabbed a tray and put the waters on it. You were walking to the living room when your mom said to give them vaimeleni or poi.

Vaimeleni is this bombass drink where it is basically smashed up watermelon. It is hella bomb if you add other fruits like pineapple. You put milk in it too. Hella bomb. Poi is this other drink that is hella bomb. It's just smashed up bananas with Seven-up and half-half milk. Both of these are hella bomb.

"Dad. Fa'asili e mana'o vaimeleni or poi fa'amolemole" you shouted to your dad.

Your dad explained to them what each drink were. You could hear some "Ooh" and some "Aah". As your Dad was finished he said that six wanted poi  and six wanted vaimeleni. 

"Okay" you shouted and got it and put it in cups.

You put those drinks on another tray and put it  grabbed both trays and went to the livingroom. You opened the door that led to the living-room and practically dropped the trays but you caught it.

"Do you need help?" your dad asked.

"Leai fa'afetai" you said smiling (No thank you)

You went and put the tray down.

"Tulou. Tulou. Tulou." you said as you passed by three of the guys. (Excuse me)

Tulou  is basically saying Excuse me. But it is for short Tulou  lava.

You went and put the tray down and noticed that they were all wearing masks and glasses.

Inner Thought: I wonder why they are wearing masks and shades...

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