Closer: Youngjae (GOT7) Fanfic

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Your brother was no other than GOT7's Youngjae. To make it more precise... You were his step-sister. He hated the living guts out of you and you don't know why. Every time you tried to talk, he would ignore you. You were also a secret agent or a spy. Which what led you to become Youngjae's step sibling. You were hired by J.Y.P. himself, to protect GOT7 and in order to get closer to them. You had to get married into one of the families.

"Bye Youngjae! Have a good day!" you shouted but he just ignored you "Or not"

After it was long and silent, you went and got ready. You grabbed your mini knives and shoved them in your knee high boots, your pistols which you hid under your little mini skirt. You did your make up and fixed your hair.

You opened up your laptop and the screen was filled with one of the rooms in the J.Y.P. headquarters. It was thr dance room that J.Y.P. assigned to GOT7. You were watching as they practiced. You then watched as thr door was open and the lights suddenly went off. You turned on the night vision and saw that all of the guys were being dragged out while they were unconscious. You looked at your phone and slid thr bar to the "ON" side to turn on the tracker.

"Where are they taking you" you said to yourself as you saw that the dot representing a car was moving. You waited until it went to a warehouse by the ocean and got the address.

"Got you" you said and quickly got your things.

You called Youngjae's phone.

"H-Hello" his voice shook on the other line.

"Do you guys have food to eat?" you said as you were driving.

"Yea we do" you said and he hung up.

A few minutes past you decided to call him again since you wanted to check if he was alive.

"Hello"he said with the same tone.

"Are you guys still at headquarters? I'll be stopping by there" you said relieved that je was still alive.

"No. We are already eating" he said "Gotta go"

He hung up the phone at the exact moment you pulled up intobthe drive way. You got out the car. You went to the and saw part of the building was broken. You squished yourself in the crack and walked around the warehouses. You put on your thing to silent the gun shots. You walked around and saw two guys approaching you.

"Excuse you. But this is private property!" one of them said.

"Shit!" you said loud enough for you to hear.

Inner Thought: How am I going to do this. Well... I'm pretty sure that tjey are either going to be sold or killed... Think! Shit they're coming to me!

"Excuse me but I have to kill you" he said holding up his gun.

"Yah! Is that how you treat your clients dumbass!" you shouted kind of making him jump.

"Excuse me" he asked.

"I was sent here to inspect those peasants. Where are they!" you shouted.

"Well they are being held captive mam. Would you like to see them?"

"No shit sherlock! I wouldn't be asking about them"

"Okay gosh"

You were escorted to a metallic box. Similar to the one that is always on ships. The door opened and you saw your step-brother and his band mates. You walked in and they followed.

"I'm sorry but Boss's orders were to check them to see if they are able to be worked as slaves. And I feel very weird when you're in back of me so please do get out." you demanded and the obeyed closing the doors tightly.

You rushed to Youngjae as he looked at you shocked.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you. Did they do this to you?" you bombarded him with questions.

You untied him and went to untie the rest. The door was struggling to open.

"Sit down. Make it seem like you guys are still tied up..." you said.

The guys came in.

"We need to talk" they said.

"About?" you said as you continued "observing" them.

"About how you're a fraud!" they said and pulled out their guns and aimed it at you.

"Excuse me?" you said.

"Boss never wanted to sell them. He wanted them dead!" they said.

"Who are you and why are you here" they asked.

"Me. I am just a sasaeng. I LOVE GOT7. I am willing to lill them!" you said sounding like a psycho.

"Oh really? Show us that you can kill them" they said smirking.

"Okay" you said and took out your gun and aimed it at Youngjae.

Youngjae's Inner Thought: What is she doing?!?! Is she going to kill me!

Within a flash, you turned your back and shot the two guys. They fell to thr ground lifelessly.

"Get up" you instructed and led them out.

Youngjae came and hugged you while he was crying.

"Youngjae... If I don't make it. Just know that I love you" you said "Quickly go to the dorms."

"Don't say that" he cried.

"Just know that this was as close I could get to you. I want to get closer to you" you said "Now go to the dorms!"

They nodded and left you. You went into view of all the guys and saw you. They began aiming their guns at you. Shots were fired. Bullets were stuck until you, others grazed your body. Knives were scratching your body. You turned around and a guy knocked you out. You fell and your body felt sharp pains. You were being beaten.

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