Chipotle: Bobby (IKON) Fanfic

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"Hi what can I get started for you today?" you asked a customer.

"Hello can I have a burrito with black beans, brown rice, and steak as the meat?" she asked.

"Is that all?" you asked.

"Yes" he said and paid for his food.

A guy came and smiled. He had an eye smile. You found it hard to speak.

"H-H-Hi. Welcome to Chipotle, what can I get started today?" you asked.

"Ummmmm. Can I get a burrito?" he asked.

"Yes. What kind of rice?" you asked him trying not to stare at him.

"Whitr and black please" be said.

"What type of meat?" you asked as you took off your hat and your hair cascaded to the right side.

"Ummmm. Ummmmmm. Chicken?" he said hut it sounded as a question.

"Okay. Any salsa?" you asked.

"Mild." he said.

"Cheese, guac, lettuce, sour cream?" you asked.

"Everything" he said.

"You went to the cash register and put in his order.

"Do you want a drink with that?" you asked.

"Yes. Can you make it two please" he asked.

Inner Thought: Damn... The nigga is hella thirsty. Only one of him but he wants two drinks. God damn. For a fine ass guy, he can eat.

"Would you like a bag of chip?" you asked.

"Two please and two sides if guac" he said.

Inner Thought: Damn fat ass AN THING ELSE?! Lol

"Would you like anything else?" you asked.

"Ummmmmmmmm... You to have lunch with me" he said and smiled.

"What?" you said.

"Have lunch with me" he said cocking his head to the side.

"Ummmmmm. Sorry but I'm not on my lunch" you said.

"_______________. Go on your thirty and let Sam replace you." your manager's voice boomed.

"Okay." you said and turned to the guys who was grinning from ear to ear.

"So let's have lunch?" he asked like a little kid.

"Why not" you said and followed him to a table.

"So what's your name?" he asked.

"____________. What's your name?" you asked.

"What a nice name. Bobby is my name." he smiled.

"You're cute when you smile" you said nit realizing that you said that out loud.

"Thank you" he said and it hit you that you said it out loud.

"Oh my god!" you shouted "I'm sorry!"

"Do you want to... You know... Go out some time?" he asked.

"Sure" you smiled and you fed him.

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