Read All About It (Part 2): JB (GOT7) Fanfic

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After J.Y.P. told you that you coould go, you automatically went to your apartment. Instead of stopping to tell JB that you were going home. You opened the door and went where you were sitting before you had to go to the headquarter. You looked at the blade again and picked it up. You began cutting yourself again. You ran the blade over some old scars that were closed but now they were open again.

Inner Thought: It feels so.... Relaxing. How ironic huh? Self harming... Relaxing?

You re-opened many scars. You were cutting down your wrist when JB snatched the blade from you. You looked up and saw JB looking at you furious.

JB's P.O.V.:

I was told that JaeBom had already left home, so I decided to go check on her. I looked and the door was left open ajar. I peaked to see that she was sitting on the floor looking at her forearm. I remembered that when she fell in the recording booth after singing, her forearm was showing and she had cuts on it. I rushed in and looked and saw that she was about to cut her wrist. I quickly grabbed the blade from her because I was furious. She looked up at me.

JaeBom's P.O.V.:

You looked up and saw JB looking at you furiously.

"YAH! ARE YOU CRAZY?" he shouted.

You sat there not knowing how to answer.

"Are you really going to try and give up your life? What about the baby? Do you want to die?" he bombarded you with so many questions that when you tried to answer his question, he rushed out and closed the door. You tried processing what just happened but saw the door open.

Inner Thought: He's back already!? That was fast...

As the doop opened, a head popped in and there Mark stood there glaring at you. He came and sat down in front of him.

"I'm going to try and be nice about this but we need to talk" he said as he sat across from you.

"What?" you said softly.

"You have to lose the baby" he said without showing any emotions.

"No" you said with a firm voice.

"I'm telling you. You need to lose the baby" he said.

"Why? Why are you worried about it when you say that the baby will not be yours. If you don't want to claim the baby. I think that would be fine. But I'm not going to stand there and disclaim my own child that I will have!" you shouted.

"I'm warning you..." he started.

"No... I'm warning you. I will never lose the baby just because some basic ass guy, who can't even claim the fact that I am carrying your baby, is asking me to lose it!" you shouted.

You sat there breathing heavily. You hadn't realized it but Mark began hitting you. He hit your face. You curled yourself into a ball, protecting your stomach.

"Lose.It.Or.I'll.Make.It.Worse." he shouted after each punch.

A few minutes later he got up and left. You tried sitting up straight. As you were trying to sit up, JB walked in and said that people wanted to interview. You nodded and tried to get up, you fell down and JB came rushing to you.

"YAH! What happened? Are you okay?" he shouted.

"Ummmm. Mark hit me" you said.

"He what?" he shouted.

"Just don't do anything please" you begged him as his fist clenched and he was about to stand "I'm okay"

"Okay. Fine. But we have to go to the interview" he said and helped you up.

At Interview:

-JaeBom? How do you feel about being pregnant?

"Ummmmm.... I am kind ok scared and kind of excited." you said.

-JaeBum... How do you feel about JaeBom being pregnant?

"I am worried... She is stressing a lot lately over a lot of stuff.

-JaeBom... Are you keeping it?

"Yes. I am keeping the baby" you said firmly.

-Since Mark is refusing to be the fatherly figure to the child... Who will play the dad?

"I am wolling to play both roles" you started.

"I'll be taking the role as the father. I'll be the fatherly figure for the child" JB volunteered himself.

-Thank you both for your time. We hope to hear about the baby soon.

"Ne" you and JB said.

You were walking with JB when your phone vibrated. You looked and saw a text message.

Meet me at the J.Y.P. cafe! ASAP!

"Ummm. Oppa" you called out to JB.

"Ne" he called.

"I have to meet someone at the cafe. I don't know who it is but they told me to go meet them at the cafe" you explained.

"Do you want me to come?" he asked.

"Ani" you said and walked the opposite way and headed to the cafe.

You walked in and scanned through the cafe to see a familiar figure. You saw red haur sticking up from the head.

Inner Thought: Shit it's Mark! I think I should leave! Should I leave! Wait... Why am I walking to him.

You made your way to Mark. When he noticed that you were there he scoffed at you.

"I guess you didn't take my warning with a grain on salt" he laughed.

"And" you said firmly.

"I thought I told you to lose the baby!" he shouted.

"You should have known by now. You should have known by mu actions. You should have read all about it. My actions tells it all! I want to have the baby! Which is why I curled up into a ball when you were hitting me!" you said in a cold tone.

He sat there quiet. He looked at you and scoffed.

"You should have known by my actions which is proof that I want to have this baby" you said and got up and walked out making your way to your home.

Please. I hope you guys are enjoying it. Hope you guys like it. Good night...

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