I Know KAH-RAZY! Tao (EXO) Fanfic

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You stood there as your boyfriend was kissing up on another girl. His lips were crashing her lips and her lips were crashing on his. You just came back from buying all the things that he wanted for the house, you just needed help getting up to the fourth floor. You knocked on the door and he quickly moved away from her and he looked at you smiling.

"How long have you've been standing there?" he asked.

"Not long" you said and quickly ran through the door.

You heard footsteps following you, coming closer and closer each step.

"Wait!" he called out.

He encircled your wrist and turned you around. He smiled and tried to kiss you.

"I-I have to get the things you asked for from the car" you said.

"She's my ex" he said.

"No. I'm your ex." you said.

"Since when?" he asked confusingly.

"Ever since you kissed her" you said releasing your wrist from his grasp.

You walked out the door and went straight to the studio. You knew everybody was on their schedules and everything so you could sing and everything while nobody was around. You were doing an internship for SM. You were assigned EXO's manager so you had to do this and do that. Originally, you were from the states while your parents were from the island of Samoa. You had nine sibling, four girls and five boys. And you felt that your mom's side hated your for no apparent reason.

"Good Morning ____________" the security said smiling.

"Morning to you too," you said forcing a smile to hide the fact that you were hurt.

You made your way to the recording studio where you put on the head phones and did an acoustic version of Rachel Tamapolu's "Le Atua e". You felt tears streaming down your eyes as you sung your heart out. You ended the song on an smooth note, wiped the tears, and put the headphones down. You walked into the room where at first there was nobody in there, now there was 12 pair of eyes set on you and your puffy eyes.

"___________? Are you okay" Kris asked you.

"Of course I am" you said smiling.

"You wouldn't be crying." Lay said worried.

"Family issues," you said trying to cover it.

"You rarely talk to your family. You don't even have the courage to call them" Tao said.

"Fuck!" you said as you knew that they got you.

You wiped the tear that was forming in your eyes, forced a smile on your face, and told them not to worry. Your smile disappeared right when you saw your ex come through the door saying how sorry he was and please forgive him.

"You said that three times you did it. Why should I forgive you now when I've been forgiving you many times. And it results in the same thing." you threw in his face.

You tried walking out but he grabbed your hand. He begged you to forgive him.

"No!" you said coldly.

He grabbed your shoulder and shoved you to the wall. You winced as he punched the wall.

"When I tell you to forgive me, your ass better forgive. Or I'll beat your ass like those other times you didn't make me happy." he said.

At that point you lost it. You did know what the hell happened or how it happened but you saw your fist connect with his face. And then you saw him on the ground. You were on top of him punching his face while Tao was trying to get you off of him.

"____________! Calm down." Tao screeched.

Tao picked you up and carried you out of the door. You kneed Tao in the stomach and ran into the room, kneeing your ex in the nose. His head jerked back and you grabbed his head and slammed it against the floor. You felt your Kris grab you and he walked you out.

"Let go of me!" you said to Kris while your grabbed his hair.

He let go of you as you threw him to the wall by his hair. You walked in the room and looked at everybody.

"If one of you guys, I don't give a fuck if it's Lay or Luhan. But if one of you guys jump in, you'll be my next target!" you said and walked to your ex. Grabbed him by the hair and dragged him out. Tao grabbed your wrist, and you looked at him dead in the eyes.

"Let go" you said.

"No!" Tao said "Will this make you happy?"

"Hell yeah it would. I've put up being beaten for four years, hiding the pain from you guys afraid that you guys would do something stupid" you said.

"This won't change anything." Tao said "Just let him go and we'll go get food"

Inner Thought: Damn this guy must know me well. And he had to say food. What should I do. Beat this guys ass or go get food? Hmmmmmm...

"___________. You won't change anything if you beat him. Look, you already done damage. What else can you do to him?"

You looked at your ex's face and saw that it was ll bruised and messed up. You slammed it to the wall and threw him down and smiled.

"Let's get food?" you said turning to the other guys who was scared to come out.

They all came out and rushed pass you ad walked to Kris, who was still on the floor.

"Oh my God! Kris he got you too?" you said as you saw his nose bleeding.

"Nope... You did" Kris said and looked at you.

"Wait who?" you said confused.

You helped Kris get off the ground and walked to the security guard. You smiled and he laughed.

"I knew you had it in you. Somebody just had to push the button to launch it" he said and nodded.

"You knew about it?" Lay asked.

"Of course, I'm the one that saw the bruises on her arms the first time she came to SM" he said.

"Okay let's go eat," you said trying to change the subject.

Everybody was walking in front of you. You followed them but your arm was grabbed and you stopped.

"What's wrong?" you asked Tao.

"Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me that he kept hitting you?" he asked in a serious tone.

"Well you never asked," you said patting his shoulder and smiling.

"I'm serious!" he shouted.

"Well because I was scared" you said.

"Scared of what?" he asked looking at you angry.

"Li... Nothing" you said and tried walking out.

He grabbed you and turned you around.

"I'm sorry. I'm just worried. My little crazy ass dongsaeng" he said smiling and escorted you to the others.

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