I Did It Because I Love You : BamBam (GOT7) Fanfic

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You were suffering a one-sided love with BamBam. While you were lovingnhim, he hated you. You don't know why but he hated you. You decided to leave JYP and go tobthe states. As you boarded the plane, GOT7 was there but BamBam.

"Does he know?" you asked JR.

He shook his head in response and you nodded. You bid your goodbye to everybody and boarded the plane. You looked at your phone and deleted his number and everything that reminded you of him.

Few Years Later

You were a well known celebrity in the states. You were asked to go Seoul, South Korea to collaborate with one of the the top rookie groups in Korea. You accepted the offer and packed your stuff.

"Please be safe!" your fans shouted.

"We'll miss you!" they shouted.

"I'll miss you gyts more!" you said and signed some autographs, hugged some fans, and took pictures with them.

"Please be careful out there!" they shouted.

"What if you find the one over in Korea?" a fan asked.

"Then I found him" you said smiling.

"I'll comeback and release something ASAP" you said and waved as you boarded the plane.




You were in your seat and drifted off.

Thank you for riding in this flight. We hope you had an enjoyable time rising with us.

You woke up because of the intercome. You looked around and got your stuff and walked out. You looked around and saw a guy holding a sign with your name. You smiler and approached him.

"Hi." you said.

"Oh. Are you ________________?" he asked.

"Yes sir" you replied and walked with him to the car.

"Let me help you there" he said as he tried to grab your stuff.

"A-Ani" you said trying to tell him to go rest "It's okay."

"No please" you said.

"It's okay. I'll do it. You can just wait in the car" you said and put all your stuff inside.

You got in the car and you giys were off to wherever you were going. You looked around and smiled at the memories you had at different areas.

You did not realize that you were pulling into the parking lot of a building, until you realized that you were under rhe building itself. You looked around and smiled.

"Gomawo!" you smiled.

"Ne" the guy said.

You gave him money and walked to the elevator.

Inner thought: How strange... This place seems familiar.

The door of the elevator openee and you walked.

"Hi. You must be _____________?" the guy asked.

"Yes" you smiled.

"Right this way. Oh by the way. Welcome to JYP Headquarters" he said.

"What? This is JYP Headquarters?" you asked shocked as you stopped following him.

"Yes. Is there something wrong?" he said as he realized that you were not by his side

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