Donor: JB (GOT7) Fanfic

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I don't know why but GOT7 has been on my freakin mind... Since FOREVER! It sucks because all I want to write about is GOT7.... Why am I on a GOT7 phase... Will it ever end!

It was late and you were looking all over the city for JB. Your boyfriend. You were walking to the park where he always goes to just to relieve stress by the silence. But what you saw wasn't really... Stressful for him. He looked more happy. He was smiling widely and he kissed the girl next to him. You dropped your bag and he looked towards you. Both of your eyes meeting. And then you ran away. You ran for your life. You locked the door and began packing all of your stuff. The door bell rang and knocks were heard. You put on your earphones and continued packing. You pulled everything out to tje living room and got your other stuff from his room. You smashed every picture frame with you and him in it.

"Jagi!" he called from outside.

You ignored him and continued your packing. You got everything and walked through the doors. You passed him as he tried to grab your suitcase. But you yanked it from him and threw it in the car.

"Jagi let me explain" he said.

"Explain what? That I couldn't give you enough love that you had to go kiss another girl at the park. That I couldn't give you all of me... That I couldn't be a good girlfriend and have your children! I don't ever want to see you!" you shouted.

"Jagi!" he yelled but you ignored him "Please forgive me!"

You shoom your head and started the car. You put it in drive and began driving. You saw that he was rumming after the car. You approached a cross-section. You went and checked the view mirror to witness JB getting hit by a car and flying to the ground.

"Aaaaaahhhhhh" you screamed and drove back to JB's lifeless body "Yah! Irreonah!"

You called the ambulance and in a matter of minutes, they came. You rode with them and entered thw hospital. A few hours later, the doctor said you can see him. You walked in the room and saw him lying there with the mask over his face. You began writing things until the doctor came in.

"I'm sorry to say... But Jaebum might not live"

"What... What do you mean?"

"His heart has failed..."

"Is there any other solution?"

"Well there is one but I prefer not to speak of it"

"What is it" you asked.

"We need a donor. A donor to donate their heart. And the chances of living is very low-"

"Then give him my heart"

"Are you-"

"Yes I am... And if I don't respond... Please don't try to save me." you said as you continued writing.

The doctor came and asked if you were ready. You nodded and walked with him. You pulled on his sleeve.

"Please give this to JB please" you asked and he nodded.

After Surgery:

They declarrf that you were dead. The doctor came into JB's room and put the letter right by the nightstand.

JB's P.O.V.:

Inner Thought: Woah... What happened?

I looked around and found myself in room with white walls. Then it hit me. I was in the hospital... I looked to the sidr and saw ____________"s belonging. I was surprised and happy that she was here. I saw a folded piece of paper on the nightstand and grabbed it. I opened it and nearly dropped it.


First and foremost... Thank you gor everything... Even though you didn't do it from the heart. I still accept it. It was so much fun being around you. You were my source of happiness. You made me who I am today. Anyways... I hope that from now on... I hope you realize that I really did love you. I hope the best for you and your new girl friend. You made me feel like I couldn't make you happy like she did. Which is why I made the decision I made. I hope you can make her happy. Because now... We have the samr beating heart... And you know that my heart puts everybody else before me. So please take care of my heart. It js my gift to you to love the girl that you loved during our relation. Don't even try to look for me... You already have a piece of me in your body. I'll be gone by the time you wake up. I really do love you with all my heart! ❤❤❤❤❤


I read and I didn't get what she said about heart until the doctor came in and relayed the news that she donated her heart. And it all made sense now. I began crying, holding onto my chest. She killed herself just to save me. Now I have to live with the fact that I have my girlfriend's heart in me...

"Why?" I askes as I looked atbthe ceiling.

Please do comment if these do suck... Anyways... Thank you guys for reading these... I hope you guys do enjoy these... Have a good night you guys OR good morning to ya! Annyeong!

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