It Was Him All Along: JB (GOT7) Fanfic

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You were walking with your close friend GOT7's Jaebum or in fans eyes JB. You guys were walking to the park to get some ice cream. You guys got your ice cream and walked back to where the other boys were skateboarding. You looked at Mark and saw how fine he looked with his hair sticking to his face because of his sweat and because of how concentrated he looked skateboarding. You smiled to yourself and looked at JB who looked irritated.

"What's wrong?" you asked worried.

"Nothing" he said coldly and turned his back towards you.

"JB? Are you okay?" you asked shaking him.He shrugged his shoulders to move your hand off of him.

"____________!" Mark called.

You turned around and fangirled as he did his tricks forgetting about JB. He turned around and walked away as you continued to fangirl. You stopped and turned to where JB was standing but saw nobody there.

"JB!" you shouted.

The others stopped doing what they were doing and looked at your direction.

"JB!" you shouted worried.


JB was walking when he heard his name being called. JB turned around and saw JR. He smiled and came running to me.

"YAH! Where'd you go?" he asked.

"No where" JB said."Is everything okay?"

JB stood there weighing the pros and cons on telling him why he walked away. And so he nodded and smiled.

"Don't lie to me hyung!" JR stated sharply.

"AISH! Dongsaeng! Why would I lie to you when I'm closest to you?" JB said jokingly

"It's about ________________? Isn't it?" JR said and JB's smile disappeared and his head dropped low."Answer me!" JR shouted.

JB just stood there looking at the ground and nodded his head slowly. JR slowly hugged JB and led him to a bench.

"Are you ever going to confess to her?" JR asked.

"Why when she likes Mark?" JB asked frustrated hitting his head on his palms.

"Just try," JR said.

"NEVER!" JB yelled.

Your POV:

You walked to a nearby buffet where you texted JB to meet you but nobody was there. you looked from left to right and left again.

"Where is he?"you said "JB!"

Everybody looked at you as you screamed JB's name. You felt a tap and turned around.

"JB?" you asked but found JR.

"Ummmmm. JB's not coming to meet you" JR said and walked away.

"Wait why?" you asked.

"Don't ask me. Ask him." JR said turning around walking backwards "You caused it!"

You stood there trying to think on what JR said. the only words you heard that came out of JR's mouth was "You caused it" You questioned what he said to you.

"How did I cause this?" you said angrily "I didn't even do anything."

You shrugged it off and continued walking. As you were walking you felt lonely without JB. You felt lonely because you couldn't hear any of his dorky jokes. You couldn't feel his tight hug when you were cold. You couldn't feel his chin on the top of your head as you stared out to the sun set. You couldn't see his warm smile that he would always give you when he would have to lie to try and persuade you that he was okay. You miss him. You fell to your knees and began crying your eyes out. People walking past you looking at you.

"Are you okay miss?" a guy asked you.

"I-I  don't know" you choked.

"May I ask what has happened?" he asked.

"I'm looking for my friend that ran off. We can't find him and now it's all my fault that he ran away because I was too blind to realize" you said.

"Realize what?" he asked curiously.

"That he loves me and I love him" you said crying even harder.

"What does he look like?" the guy asked "Maybe we can help you find him"

"Yeah" another person said as you realized that you were in the center of a human circle.

"Well... he's GOT7's JB." you said.

"Oh... Well we need fans!" the guy said "Are any of you guys IGOT7's!"

"I am!" a girl said.

"Me too" a guy said.


"Right here!"


"Well you guys need to try and find JB of GOT7!" the guy shouted.

You sat there on your knees, still crying. Everybody was talking and they became quiet all of suddenly. You found it odd and looked up and realized that nobody was talking but just staring. You followed their gaze and your eyes landed on JB.

"J-J-JB!" you said getting up and running to him.

You engulfed him in a hug and there he stood there. He did nothing but stare.

"Is he the one?" the guy asked.

"Yeah... He's the one" you said as your head was still on his chest.

Everybody murmured and then dispersed into their separate lives. You began crying again and you hugged JB tighter hoping that all of this was not a dream.

"Are you o..."

"I'm sorry JB!" you said.

"What?" he asked confused.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know that you liked me." you said.

"What! JR told you?" he said pushing you away.

"No. I told myself and when I realized that you were the only one I hung out with... I realized that I missed you so much." you said crying even more "I'm sorry that I did not realize it sooner"

"What?" he asked.

"JB... I love you!" you said smiling.

"I-I love you too" he said hugging you tighter than ever.

You guys began walking with your hands holding together. Your head resting on his shoulders.

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