Chapter 22

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Friday at last! I was in school and I kept looking around me to see if Andres was anywhere around. My neck had started to hurt cause of the constant checking so I decided to forget about him....your gonna be fine Eve. Yesterday hadn't gone that well and Cam decided to dump his plan of coming to my house all of a sudden. When it was almost past my bed time my phone rang and Jeff started yelling into the phone.


Jeff: Eve! Are you alright? Did Cam say anything to you!?

Me: Jeff calm yourself buddy! I'm fine and why would Cameron say anything to me?

Jeff: *sharp intake of breath*

Me: Jeff what did you do?

Jeff: I may have kind of told Cameron about that dude who tried to kiss you today.....

Me: What the fuck! Jeff nooo how could you?!

Jeff: I'm sorry! He asked me about my cheek and I blurted out everything and.......

Me: What aren't you telling me Jeff?

Jeff: You might wanna go to his house and check up with him cause he seemed furious....and just for your information he does harmful stuff when he is furious.


This is how my Thursday had gone.....nothing could have made it any crappier! I tried calling Cameron many times but it had gone straight to voicemail. I couldn't even leave in the fear of puking my guts out on the middle of the road. I inhaled deeply and exhaled but nothing was calming me down.....I needed to see if Cameron was okay!

"Eve!!! You have to come to Cameron's locker now!" Megan was panting in front of me.

"Why? What's wrong? Is Cameron okay?" I couldn't wait for her to answer so I ran to his locker only to see him leaning against it while talking to Jeff. Everything looked fine until I looked at his right hand and it was bandaged.

"Cam, are you okay?" He looked up just as Jeff smacked his head.

"Jeff let's go I need to fill my water bottle"

"Jeff you aren't going anywhere" I heard myself say....Cam looked at me keeping his cool and Jeff just stood there.

"And Cameron as far as I know you, you always carry two water bottles.....don't tell me you finished both before school even started!"

"Don't get annoyed with me when i'm the one supposed to be annoyed" he said looking at me square in the eye.

"I never got the chance to tell you! You canceled on your plan of coming to my house!"

"Just a single text Eve, nothing else just one and everything would be fine right now"

"I'm sorry, I was messed up and I didn't even tell my own parents about it!" His eyes were filled with rage and all of a sudden I felt small in front of him.

"Are you sure you were messed up? Or did that tiny little brain of yours wanna hide it?!" His voice rose and my eyes widened.....he had never spoken like this to heart wrenched from inside as I saw his eyes go wide as he realized what he said.

"Eve I didn't mea......."  Tears were streaming down my face.

" Don't ever come near me again" I ran across the hallways to my locker and saw Megan standing there flirting with some random guy. I didn't feel like talking to anyone so I ran past her right through the school doors until I was the on the footpath that separated me and the road. I was about to step forward when a hand caught my elbow and pulled me back. I turned to see Cameron looking down at me with some of his hair falling on his eyes.

"Eve i'm sorry, I was frustrated that being your boyfriend I couldn't protect you!"

" It did not mean that you should take it out on me!"

"I know and I said i'm sorry" I pulled my elbow free of his grasp.

"I'm sorry too" with that I turned around only to start seeing spots in my vision and then the blackness started crawling in until I saw nothing and the only thing I heard was the shout from Cameron.

Beep.....beep.....beep the sound was annoying as fuck and when I tried to open my eyes a blast of light hit them making me squint.

"She's awake!" I heard someone say and then I heard someone run out. After about five minutes two sets of footsteps came into the room and my wrist was taken for the pulse.

"She's gonna live!" Everyone cheered as I slowly opened my eyes and saw Mom,Rose,Amber,Megan,Jeff and last but not least Cameron. I tried to sit up as Jeff rushed to my aid to help me up.

"Thank you Jeff"

"Eve we were so worried" my mom came to me and embraced me. Next in line were Megan,Amber and then Rose. Cameron just stood next to the window looking out of it.

"We're damn hungry Eve so is it okay if we head to the cafe?" I could clearly hear the pleading in Rose's voice but I couldn't believe they hadn't eaten anything yet.

"Are you kidding me? Go now! " Mom and Rose left but Megan and Amber stayed.

"Meg, Amber I know you guys didn't eat too so go!" They smiled and left immediately the only one left was Cameron. He didn't glance towards me at all and I hated that. All the things that had happened today morning kept playing in my head.

"Cam, you didn't eat so one needs to give you an invitation for that"

"How are you feeling?" My head was aching and I tried hard not to wince to any of the pains but it had been a week since our relationship and he already knew me well.

" I'm fine,but you must be hungry ple......"

"How many more times are your gonna lie to me and hide stuff ?" I was taken aback by the sudden question.

"Cam, what do you mean?"

"You never told me about your reports, the fucking brain tumor your living with and your past."

"I didn't know how to tell you and it was never the right moment to tell you" he closed his eyes and took a deep breath as if calming himself. He came and sat on the chair that was next to my bed.

"I need to know your past.....and I need to know it now" I took a deep breath and turned towards him remembering my past as if it had happened yesterday.......nothing could stop me now from blurting out my past but the question was.....would he stay after everything is out?

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