Chapter 43

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My hands were shaking and a cold sweat ran down my spine sending shivers through me. My hair was tied up and I had the urge to run my fingers through them. My legs were bouncing and I couldn't stop over thinking. My head was pounding like it had been hit with a million bricks and my stomach felt like it would make me throw up any second. 

I rubbed my sweaty palms on my jeans as Jeff, Austin and Andres paced around my living room. We were waiting on Amber and she hadn't arrived yet. Different and negative scenarios started popping through my head about what must have happened to her. The sound of the door bell resonating through the silent house made me jump. My heart started thudding a bit faster and louder. Austin had gone to check on who it was. "What's going on?" I heard Amber's voice and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I jumped off my seat and practically tackled Amber to the floor whilst almost choking her in the process too. "When you give a damn time try to reach by then will you?!" I said and we three headed to the living room. We went through the same thing as we did with Austin. Amber looked worse than me after reading the text. "Guys this is serious. And had anyone noticed how pale Eve has become?" Amber said. Everyone's eyes suddenly landed on me. "Guys I'm fine. I'm just scared." Andres's eyebrows were deeply furrowed and it was if his eyes were studying me.

"Eve you look more pale than a normal scared person would look like." He came to me and took my hand. His eyes widened and I looked at him curiously. "Eve your hands are freezing. " I looked down at my hands and surely they had gone a ghostly white. My eyes widened. "Andres how is this.....?" I sat back down on the couch with a thump. I felt like the universe had drained me of all my energy. "Show me the text again" I said. Andres handed his phone over to me. I reluctantly checked the message.

*So you thought I wouldn't find out eh? All the best Andres ;) -E*

"Andres what are we going to do?" Amber asked and I looked over at Jeff. He hadn't spoken a word for a while. I went over to him and put my hand on his shoulder. He looked up at me and his eyes were swimming in a pool of guilty. My eyebrows furrowed and I asked him the question with my eyes.

"Guys I hid something from all of you" Jeff stood up and my hand fell of his shoulder. Andres and Austin's bodies tensed up at the same time. Andres's face was blank but I knew better than that. This was the calm before the storm. I went and stood next to Andres. I very calmly looked at Jeff and softly said "Go ahead Jeff". 

"A few days ago before I came to know about all this. I was at Cameron's house. He had gone to the bathroom when his phone rang. I decided to check and it was a message from Edwardo. At first I didn't think it was anything but then I saw your name among the sentences. So I went ahead and opened the text. " Jeff looked over at us. I could feel Andres really tense beside me, Austin and Amber were both sitting there with confused expressions. Jeff took a deep breath and continued.

"Andres remember when you told me that Andres was recruiting new men? Cameron was one of them......" I felt my insides turn cold and what was left of my strong demeanor shattered to pieces. I fell apart and dropped to the ground. I felt Andres drop down next to me. My wracked sobs were heard around and I felt like I couldn't breath. "J-Jeff please tell me that isn't true" I whimpered and he looked down sadly. Andres phone rang and we all tensed up again.

Austin passed the phone to Andres and he unlocked it. I saw a storm in his eyes and I could feel heat radiating off him in waves. His breath faltered and I snatched the phone from him. I wiped my tears away and looked at the text. 

*It ends here. Send Eve to the address I send you next. She's going to be mine finally. And you know why? Because she doesn't have a choice or else Cameron will be the one on a hospital bed.- E* I gasped and the phone slipped from my hand. Although Cameron had put through a lot I couldn't let him go through that cause of me. This was my fight to fight not his. "Edwardo tricked Cameron into believing that he was joining him for revenge against you." Andres said in a low voice that almost sounded like a growl. Amber came over to me and took me in her hug. We all just sat there until Andres's phone rang again.

"You have to meet him downtown behind Freida's Tattoo salon" I just sat there and let everything sink in. My body had started feeling cold and my teeth were lightly chattering. I gave a small nod. Jeff looked at me sadly and then he came down in front of me. His fingers skimmed over my lips. "Eve your lips have turned blue." He said and I just nodded again. I couldn't register what was going on.

I felt my stomach flip over and the next thing I knew I was in the bathroom. My eyes were barely open and I kept drifting in and out of consciousness. "Andres what's wrong with her?" I heard Amber in the distance or maybe she was close but I couldn't know. "We need to take her into the Emergency room. CALL THE AMBULANCE JEFF OR AUSTIN!" I heard Andres shout. I felt his warm palm caressing my cold cheek.

"Stay with me Evelyn. Don't you dare give up on me." I heard him say and my eyes closed.

Andres's P.O.V

"Fuck Austin! Where are the ambulance!?" I yelled as Evelyn lay there in my arms drifting in and out of consciousness. In the distance I heard an ambulance wail and I quickly stood up and took Evelyn in my arms. In a few minutes some of the nurses were inside and Evelyn was taken from my arms. Amber came running over to me.

"I informed her parents. They'll be here soon." She said and I just watched as they took Evelyn into the ambulance. "Amber go with the ambulance. Austin,Jeff and me will come from behind." I said and she took off towards the open doors of the ambulance. We three got into Austin's car and started tailing the van.

Once we reached the hospital they rolled Evelyn's trolley in and stopped in front of the emergency room. I went next to Evelyn and took her hand. "Your fight is my fight Eve. Fight this and I'll fight the other one left. Don't give up on me. I love you." with that said I left her hand just as the doctor came and Evelyn was rolled into the emergency room.

Edwardo you won't get Evelyn. She's mine and always will be. This time she won't be alone though.

I gave Jeff and Austin a hug and gave one to Amber too. "She's going to be completely fine okay Amber? And do me a favor." I took out a blue velvet box out of my pocket and kept it in her hand. "Keep this with you until I return. Once Evelyn wakes up I'm going to surprise her." I tried to say cheerfully. Yes I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend and that ring was a promise ring.

Amber looked at me sadly but I shook my head lightly. With one final look towards the Emergency room I took off. Edwardo watch comes hell.

A/N: Hi guys so PMT is finally coming to its end. There will be one more chapter and then an epilogue. Hope the book was alright. Once its complete I will start the editing. Until then Happy reading bookworms. So now we're on Team Andres eh? ;)

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