Chapter 27

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A/N: plz don't kill me for the late updates. I was having a writers block and it sucks....hope you like this chapter.

Everything was a blur. I only remembered Cameron's words and then running out of our carriage faster than Usain Bolt. I knocked into someone but didn't stop. Why did this have to happen to me? It was like I was meant to be that girl who was left to think like everything was her it was because of her that people left.


I realize after a while that I'm standing in the middle of no where. All that came to my mind was all of my stupid mistakes. I never learnt from the first one and the second one was not a mistake it was stupidity. I checked my surroundings and saw a petrol pump nearby. My phones battery had died down and i had a few quarters to make a call through the telephone booth.

As I started walking I kept thinking of how easy it would be to end my life and troubles quickly. In fact I wouldn't even have to see my parents cry when i'm dying cause of my brain tumour. I heard myself give a bitter laugh and then i did something that I should have done in the carriage itself....I screamed and screamed till my throat begged for me to stop and turned as dry as the Sahara desert.

I reached the petrol pump and went to the phone booth. The box the phone was in was made of steel and I looked at my reflection. I had turned pale and all my mascara had run down to my cheeks. There were tear stains making it obvious that I had been crying and that I was miserable. I rang up the first person I knew who would come without any hesitation. The line was ringing and was finally picked up by the third ring.

*Hi, who is this?* Tears came to my eyes as I heard my mothers voice.

*Mom...I need you to come pick me up* a sob escaped me and I cursed under my breath.

*Honey, are you alright? Why didn't you call by your phone?* The tears slowly came down as I remembered everything that had happened.

*Mom please can you just come and pick me up? I need you right now please mom* I started sobbing and I could hear my mom saying something. I gave her the address of where I was and kept the phone down.

"Hi there deary, Are you alright?" I looked up at the source of the voice and saw a lady in her mid fifties giving me a heart warming smile. I wiped my tears and gave her a sad smile.

"If I said I was fine would you believe me?" Her eyes showed pity and she walked around the counter to me.

"I'm not going to push you into telling me what happened sweety but i do know that you need to get cleaned up." I nodded slightly and she guided me into a washroom after handing me a few napkins. I locked the door and looked at the eyes had lost their glow from today morning and all that i saw on my face was sadness.

I quickly washed my face and wiped away all the powder,lipgloss and leftover mascara. When I was done I looked pale but better than before. As I stepped outside I saw the lady standing near the counter holding two mugs which contained something warm because of the steam wafting above it.

"You look better now sweety. Anyways I'm Joe short for Jocelyn. You can call me whatever you like." she smiled handing me a mug. I gave her a sad smile and sighed, the warmth spreading through my hands because of the hot liquid inside. I smelt it and it had the smell of Jasmine and Honey.

"Don't worry, its just jasmine tea with a spoon of honey....thought you might need it"

"Thank you! I'm Eve short for Evelyn. You can call me what you like" I repeated her words. Joe gave me a low chuckle and we sat there in comfortable silence sipping our tea.

"So which asshole broke your heart?" I looked at her surprised. She a physcic?My question was answered when she said...

"Honey I might be old but I know a heartbroken face when I see one"

As the past events came back to me so did my tears but I tried holding them in. I wasn't going to be weak and fragile....I was going to be strong and happy!

"It all started today morning...." I told her my story and by the time I was done I heard myself sniffle. In surprise my hands went to my cheeks and I felt tears on the tips of my fingers. I looked at Joe and saw her staring at me with pity.

"Oh Eve....boys are pigs! Specially in this generation they are bigger ones. You need to realize who is worth your time and tears and who isn't" she said looking out of the window that overlooked the petrol pump. When she turned to me I saw an emotion in her eyes but it was gone in a flash.

"Joe what if your fed up of people leaving you....then what?" She gave me a thoughtful sigh.

"Sweety remember people are going to come and go....some will even make a deep space in your heart and then leave but like I said before, its up to you if they are worth your time and tears or not"

Just as I was about to say something I saw the headlights of a familiar car. I squinted but couldn't see who was inside......It takes half and hour to reach here. Mom couldn't have reached so quickly. Realization dawned on me when I realized that the occupants of the car were none other than Amber,Austin,Cameron and Megan.

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