Chapter 32

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My eyes squinted involuntarily as bright light hit my eyelids. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes taking in my surroundings. Slowly everything from last nights sleepover came back to my mind and I smiled but then I remembered the package and my smile became smaller.

I heard Amber groan next to me. "Morning!" she said rubbing her eyes.

"Morning. You up for waffles and bacon?" her eyes flew open immediately and she nodded eagerly. I got up and headed to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face with cold water. And headed downstairs to the kitchen. I took out a pan and the bacon from the freezer. Just as I was about to switch on the stove my phone rang. 


*Hey so did you get my package?* By breath hitched and I gripped onto the counter till my knuckles turned white.

*How did you get my number?*

*Cupcake you should know me by now. I'm surprised. But to answer your question that's for me to know and for you to find out*

*From where did you get that frame? It was stashed away*

*Eve you don't need to know from where I got it. All you need to know is that this time that prom picture will have me in it....not him*

"Andres you.....hello?" I huffed and slammed my phone on the counter.

"Woah! Chill Eve...whatsup?" I switched on the stove and took a few deep breaths.

"Andres found my number and he called" she looked at me like I had grown a second head. Then it hit me like a cannon ball. The frame was stashed in the basement of my eyes widened.

"Amber I think Andres just broke into my basement and stole the frame." she choked on her water and I went over to pat her back.

"Seriously? You must be joking!" I looked at her and gave her a questioning look. "Eve we have to tell your parents or the police"

"We can't! We don't have any proof that he broke in. He must have covered up his tracks before leaving" I tugged at the roots of my hair. Now I didn't feel safe even in my own house.

"What about the fingerprints on the frame?" I smacked the back of her head. "Now the frame has my fingerprints all over it you doof!" I served our waffles and bacon on a plate. 

"You do realize we have to reach school in the next twenty minutes and your not ready yet" I looked down at myself and gobbled up my breakfast making a run for Amber's room. I put on a white tank top, black skater-skirt and my leather jacket. I put my hair in a messy bun and applied mascara and lip gloss. I grabbed my school bag and my shoes then headed downstairs.

"Wow! You got ready in exactly three minutes! The things a human can do under pressure" I chuckled and put an apple in my bag. I looked at Amber and realized even she wasn't dressed up.

"Umm....Amber. You haven't dressed as well" She looked down and gobbled her breakfast and ran upstairs. My phone binged.

Andres: Hey babe ;)

Me: Don't babe me. Now get lost.

I kept my phone down just as I heard a thud and a groan. I ran into the living room and burst out laughing. "A-Amber did you try putting on your shoes while coming down the stairs?" She nodded and I burst out laughing again. I helped her up and we both grabbed our bags after I finished wearing my shoes. 

"Andres messaged me...." I showed her my phone and she frowned just the slightest bit. "Eve ignore him alright?" Just then my phone binged again and this time Amber frowned more."Is he watching us or something?" I looked around and shook my head. I took my phone to check  why she was asking me this.

Andres: Come on cupcake. Don't try and ignore me just cause your friend is asking you too. 

My eyes widened and looked around me but saw nothing suspicious. I dropped the phone in my bag and kept walking. " Lets wear our DIY shirts tomorrow!" I nodded my head still lost in my thoughts.

"Amber do you think if there was someone else in my place they would have loved this situation? I mean look at it....there are two boys who are best friends fighting over me. I doubt Edwardo even knows that Andres is indirectly fighting with him over me!"

"Look all I know is that both the boys are bad luck and you have to stay away from them. Have you heard from Cameron yet?"

"No all I know is that Meagan is getting an attitude." Amber shook her head. "Sometimes we realize our true friends when we're in the worst situations." I nodded.

We entered the crowded hallways of our school and headed to our lockers. I saw Cameron talking to Jeff. I caught Jeff's eye and gave him a small wave. He grinned and waved back. From the corner of my eye I saw Cameron trying to catch my eye but I ignored him. I turned around and opened my locker. I took the books I needed and closed the locker door.

"You look extra hot today. Is it for me?" I looked to see Andres leaning against the locker beside mine. I rolled my eyes and turned around. He easily fell into step beside me.

"Your extra annoying today. Is it for me?" I snapped. I reached my English class and groaned inwardly. Cameron and Edwardo were in this class! I stepped in completely ignoring Andres. I took my seat and took out my folder and book. I had listed out a few ideas to make the Romeo and Juliet play a little different. Edwardo came in with a smirk and Cameron came in behind him with a book in his hand.

I went through my folder again and looked up just as the teacher came in. We started cashing in our ideas and finally we had a few to make a new script.

"Alright students now I'm going to assign two students who will do teamwork and make a script. The copies of the script will be done by me once it is proof read. Now the two students are Evelyn Sharkey and Edwardo Espinosa."

I curled my hands into fists. I took a few deep breaths until I calmed down. I didn't dare look at Edwardo. This was going to be one heck of a month for me. I sighed inwardly and started listing out plots and backgrounds and sequences in my folder. The bell rang and I got up stuffing everything into my bag but Edwardo was faster.

"Es como la fe nos quiere juntos otra vez" (It's like faith wants us together again.) I looked at him as his smirk grew. I was slowly torturing him in my mind knowing that I wouldn't be able to do it in real life. I grabbed my bag and headed out but not before saying.....

"La fe me llevó lejos de ti ... lo hará de nuevo." (Faith got me far away from will do it again.) I smirked after seeing his face and headed off. Today was going to be a very very long day.


A/N: Hi guys. I know updates are extremely slow but the writers block isn't helping even a tad bit. But I am trying my best. Keep the votes coming. Commenting or pointing out mistakes is open  but please avoid rude comments. Thank you guys. Happy reading bookworms!

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