Chapter 24: Drunk Call

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Brooke's POV

When we get to the Frat house, I make a beeline to find Max. I know he is probably still in his room fixing his hair.

What's with guys and their hair? Some are as bad as us girls.

His door is partially open so I can sneak in. I walk up behind him, but was caught. He was indeed looking in the mirror. Max spun around and hugged me picking my feet up off the ground.

"Brooke, I have missed you." Max finally put me down, but left his hands on my shoulders.

"I missed you too, Max." I lean over to place a kiss his cheek.

"Why didn't you go home for Christmas and New Years?"

"You know why. I couldn't stand to see mom again." He pulls me into another hug.

"She really misses you, ya know?" I hide my face in the crook of his neck and nod.

"Yes, I know." We sit on his bed and then his interrogation begins. Same old Max.

"Where did you go and with who?"

"Just because you're two years older than me doesn't make you the boss." He laughs.

"Okay. You're right. I just worry about my little sis. Could you just tell me though so I won't have to worry?"

I nod and answer his questions. "Marie took me to LA to a 5 Seconds of Summer concert, and we met the guys."

He looks at me shocked and upset, I can see why.

"Why haven't you told her? She shouldn't have took you. What did he say to you?"

"It's okay." I tell him pretty much everything that happened while we were in LA.

Max understands at the end and is happy that Luke and I are kind of friends. He's also happy, but still showing his protective side about Calum.

"As soon as you see him in person again, I'm gonna be right there by your side. I have to make sure he won't hurt you." See what I mean, protective much.

"Ugh Max, he is not like that. You don't have to worry."

"And how long have you known him, a week maybe?"

"Okay, okay. You're right. Fine you can meet him, but you can't scare him, okay?" Max nods and gives me another hug.

"Okay then. Let's go party. Just don't get drunk would you." I try to look at him faking hurt.

"What? Who me? You know I would never," and with that we head downstairs to the party laughing.


It's now about midnight, I think. I can't even remember how many drinks I've had. I think I was playing beer pong at one point, then 'Never Have I Ever' with my favorite sour cherry vodka.

There's one thing, Marie and Emily already left. I usually stay here at the frat, but I have this feeling to leave. I head out front thinking about calling Lillian. She usually picks me up anyway.

As I'm about to unlock my phone, a picture of Calum pops up. He's calling. That's what it was, I was supposed to call him. Oh crap.

"Hey babe." Maybe he can't tell I'm slurring.

"Brooke are you drunk?" He is actually holding back from laughing at me.

"Um... maybe just a little." Then, I can't help but to laugh too.

"Where are you anyway?"

"I'm at a party. Where are you?"

"A party by yourself?" He sounds like he is getting upset.

"No, Max was taking care of me." Oh shit. Please tell me I did not just say that out loud.

"Max? Max is taking care of you. Who the hell is Max?" He is beyond mad. Before I can tell him he's my older brother he stops me.

"No. You know what have fun with Max and maybe don't call me back even when you're sober."

"Really Calum? Max is..."

"I don't want to hear anything about him. Don't say anything else about him to me."

"Okay fine. Why do you even care? It's not like we are even together right."

"Ya, you're right. Bye Brooke."

"No, Cal wait." He already hung up on me. Great just great. I screwed up again. Now what the hell am I supposed to do?



Thanks for being patient. I had some writers block. I hope ya love it.

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