Chapter 11: Day After

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Brooke's POV

I slowly wake up to the sound of my phone vibrating on, I guess, is a nightstand. I glance at the caller ID and of freaking course, it has to be Luke. Instinctively, my finger presses ignore and then I turn my phone off.

I texted Marie last night and told her that I would be staying with Cal. I guess she didn't mention it to anyone else.

The events of last night slowly come back to me. I can't help but to let a smile come on my face remembering.

After I told Calum what happened, he was so understanding. We stayed up late watching movies and cuddling.

I remember that I fell asleep laying on his shoulder. He must have carried me to the bed while I was still asleep.

When I try to get up, I feel two arms very tightly wrapped around my waist. As I try to pull myself free, he groans and just tightens his grip.

I do the first thing that comes to my mind. I turn around so that I am facing him. Then, I quickly place a kiss on the tip of his nose. Calum starts batting his eyelashes while a small smirk grows on his face.


Calum's POV

I am slowly waking up when I feel lips barely touch my nose. Not some random lips, but her warm lips. That makes me wake up a little bit faster.

Brooke's face is inches away from mine and we are both smiling. I break the silence to give her a greeting.

"Good morning beautiful." She looks away and starts blushing. I have found that in this short time that Brooke doesn't really take compliments. When you give her one she simply looks away.

I pull her as close to me as I possibly can. She wraps her arms around my neck and starts playing with my hair. I lean my forehead onto her's. We are just staring into each other eyes for a little bit. As I start to lean in to kiss her my phone starts ringing.

"Ugh really." Brooke just laughs at my remark. I reach over and grab my phone.

Without even checking who it was, I answer the phone automatically.

"Hello?" I don't even try to hide the irritation in my voice.

"Hey, it's Luke. Have you seen Brooke?" As if I didn't know that it was him. Why is he looking for her anyway? I think it's time to end this.

"Um ya she's right here with me. Why don't I meet you at the recording studio today instead of you and Mikey?" He better agree to meet me. I have to stop this before it goes to far.

"Uh ya sure. I will tell Mikey and I will meet you there at maybe 10."

"Okay. I will be there." After answering I immediately hang up.

I turn to look back at Brooke and she's staring at me with a confused expression. "Cal what was that about?"

"I have to go to the recording studio at 10 to work on a new song. I'm sorry, but I really need to go. Okay love?"

"Okay. I'll go get my stuff from the hotel and bring it here. Just don't be gone all day if you can help it please?"
She looks so sad and I hate making her feel that way. I give her a peck and get up.

"I won't. Hey, be ready by 5 and I'll take you out to dinner. I will make it up to you." She gives me a weak smile.

"Okay have fun then. Please don't say anything to Luke." She gives me a goodbye kiss and I head out to meet Luke.

I have so many thoughts running through my mind on the way to the studio. Before I know it, I'm already pulling into the parking lot. I don't see one of the rental cars here yet. Maybe Luke changed his mind about meeting me.

But, I am proven wrong when I see him pulling up on a Suzuki bike. He pulls into the parking space right beside me.

Like always, we pull each other into a bro hug. This one is different from the rest though. I can tell that Luke is angry and maybe a little worried. The anger is kinda flowing right off of him.

We don't say anything and we just head into the studio to work on that song.


I didn't say anything to Luke the whole time. To be honest, I am not really sure what exactly to say to him.

"Hey, Luke." My mouth starts moving before I can realize what I am saying.

"Do you want to maybe grab a burger since we finished early?" It didn't take as long. It's only about 2 and I told Brooke I would be back at 5.

I silently hope that he says no, but I know that I need him to say yes. He looks at me to answer.

"Um ya sure." I can tell that he's nervous because he takes his hand and scratches the back of his neck.


When we get to McDonalds, we placed our order and found us a seat. I look at him. "Luke, I need to talk to you."

"Shoot." He didn't look surprised at all. He knew this was coming.

"Brooke told me what happened in the past between you two. I just wanted to make sure that a repeat of the night at the beach doesn't happen again. I need your word that it won't."

"Of course it won't. That night we were all drunk and it didn't mean anything. I can assure you that it won't happen again. Now can we just enjoy our burgers so we can get back to the hotel. I'm so tired." Luke looks really annoyed, proving me right when he rolls his eyes.

"I'm not going back the hotel." He looks up at me clearly shocked and confused.

"What do you mean you're not going back to the hotel? Where is Brooke at anyway?" I tried to read the expression on his face, but I couldn't.

"Brooke and I are going to share a temp condo on the beach. She is going back to NYU and we are going to London in a few days. I wanted to make those last few days special."

He jumped up from his chair and started yelling at me.

"You're worried that I was going to hurt her again. When you are going to be living with her even if it's for a week. Then, she going to New York and we're going to another country getting ready for a world tour. You two will probably never see each other again."

I stand up from my chair so we are face to face.

"I am not going to hurt her either. I am planning on keeping up with her while we are on tour. Not that it's any of your business anyway."

He's so livid. I'm glad he rode that bike here instead of riding with me. He throws his food in the trash and turns back to face me.

"Whatever. But when you hurt her, tell her not to come to me." And with that he leaves.



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