Chapter 3: The Partial Truth

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Calum's POV

I am having so much fun dancing and talking with Brooke. I can't help but notice that she keeps looking over my shoulder every once in a while. So I turn us around and all I see is Luke glancing at us.

What the hell is he staring at? The way that Brooke and Luke have been 'interacting' and Luke asking about what I think of her is suspicious.

I really need to know if there is something between the two. I don't want to take her from Luke. I wouldn't do that to him, but I am not going to let him mess up anything between Brooke and me.

"Hey Brooke."

"Yes?" Her eyes meet mine.

"Is there something going on with you and Luke?"

She looks around, anywhere besides my face and then the ground before finally answering me.

"Yes, we have a past that I would like to keep just that, in the past." She looks at me in the eyes before continuing. "But you have nothing to worry about."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Calum. You have nothing to worry about."

So it's just a past. It had to have been before we met him. Let's hope it does stay in the past because I would like to get to know Brooke better.


Brooke's POV

I didn't know what to tell him. I don't want to lie to him, but I don't know if I am ready to open up about it to him yet.

We all decided to leave the party early. I can still see Luke keeping a close eye on us. I have decided to tell Calum part of the truth tonight, after I get him away from Luke.

Maybe a quiet walk on the beach would help to keep the situation down and keep us calm. He has to understand.

"Calum, do you want to go for a walk with me along the beach?"

"Sure, sounds great." He takes my hand in his as we make our way to the beautiful beach.

We get to the shore, then take off our shoes. How can I start the conversation? No, I am just going to come out and say it.

"Cal?" I stop suddenly and he turns to face me. I hope using a nickname will help to go in my favor. I am still not sure what I want him to know just yet.

"I think I should go ahead and tell you about Luke and me." He nods and I continue.

"We... um... we went to high school together and.... we were high school sweethearts basically. We broke up before he left to go to the high school where he met you guys." I wait for him to say anything about the shortest version of what happened.

"Brooke, why didn't you tell me before?" He drops my hand.

"Because I was worried what you might say."

Calum looks at the ground and starts to turn away. "Do you still love him?"

"Of course not. If I did when I first saw him, I would have ran right into his arms. I was there and I met you."

He turned around took my hands in his and looks me deeply in the eyes. I can tell he is debating on what to say.

"Okay," is all he says.

Okay? What exactly does that mean? Next thing I know, he leans down and kisses me. A quick, yet gentle kiss.

When our lips touched, I felt like something came alive inside of me. I got this feeling that I can't explain, but I really want that feeling again.


Marie's POV

After we left the party, Brooke and Calum went to take a walk on the beach. Luke looked so pissed stomping off to his room, I don't see why though.

Ashton intertwined our fingers, I turn to look at him.

"Hey, do you maybe want to get a bite to eat? I'm kinda sick of this room service." I nod as he gives me a small smile.

He took me to this awesome Italian restaurant. We just ate and talked the whole time.

Noticing that there was only a few people there, I checked my phone and it was after midnight. I didn't think a restaurant like this would stay open until this late.

We decided to head back to the hotel. Brooke and I picked the same hotel as the guys, accidentally of course. We went by my room so I could change back into some skinny jeans and a t-shirt.

Then, we went to Ashton's hotel room. I know what you think, but all we did was cuddle and watch Netflix until we both fell asleep.



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So you guys know a little bit of what happened between Luke and Brooke. There will be more to come in the future.

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