Chapter 9: Missing

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Calum's POV

I ignored all of Brooke and the guys' calls. I do text Ashton and tell him I'm fine, that I'll let them know more later on. He said okay and that they would give me time.

He understands that I want to be alone for a little bit to clear my head. I'm thankful he does. I just need time to think everything that has happened these few days over.

Ever since I woke up, I've just been walking and thinking. My hangover seemed to just disappear as soon as I saw those two together.

Why? What happened?

I'm trying to remember what all happened last night.

We were pretty drunk and started playing truth or dare. Oh ya, I kind of remember now. She kissed him. Brooke kissed Luke. After she told me I had nothing to worry about.

My hand starts to rub over my face, my failed attempt to rid myself of the memory.

Then, I woke up to see them cuddled up sleeping together. She said I had nothing to worry about and stupid me believed her. There is something more she hasn't told me and I think it's time she tells me everything.

I know that I just met Brooke, but there's something there that just instantly drew me to her from the first moment I saw her.

Every time we touched or even when our hands brushed each other's, it was like electricity or something went from her to me. I don't think I have ever really felt this way about the others girls I have been with. It's different, a good and interesting different.

Well, I am glad I woke up first. I am sure of how I feel and I need to know how she feels. Now I know what I need to do. I better get to work its already almost noon. I can text Brooke about six tonight, hopefully by then I will have everything fixed.

I just hope that she likes it. I remember she told me that she just likes simple gestures. That's one thing that I love about her, she doesn't need something huge to tell her what you think or how you feel. We talked for hours just learning a little bit about each other yesterday.


Brooke's POV

No one has heard from Calum all day, except Ashton. He said he was fine and that he would call me later. It's almost six and I am so anxious its hard for me to be still.

We all gathered in Luke and Mikey's hotel room watching some movie. I haven't paid much attention to it.

I haven't spoken to Luke since the beach. He has tried to talk to me, but I do my best to pretend he's not even here.

I almost forgot that I had my phone in my pocket until I feel it vibrate. It has to be Calum and it is. Thank God. I let out a sigh of relief.

Hey meet me @ 2374 Rose Street and come by yourself plz

I don't know what to think of his text. I know that if I don't text him back something he will probably  think I just ignored him or something. I type out a quick reply:

Ok when?

Almost as right after I hit the send button he has texted back.

Come now

I told everyone I was leaving and I grabbed the keys to the rental I got for us. I practically run to the car as fast as I can.

Luke look surprised that Calum told me to meet him somewhere. The guys didn't recognize the address, but I saw a hint of mischievousness  in Ashton's eyes.

He helped Calum do something. I don't think that it was bad though because Ashton looked happy when I asked him about the address.


It took me about ten minutes to get to the address. I pull up in the driveway and my mouth drops. I'm parked at what looks like a summer home not but even a half a mile from the beach.

Why would he tell me to meet him here?

Calum comes jogging up to the car and opens the door for me. He smiles at me and I give him a confused smile back.

"I'm happy you decided to come."

"Of course I would come. I just didn't expect it to be here. Who's place is this anyway?"

As I slowly get out of the car, I notice his smile grows even wider.

"Well, um I thought we could maybe stay here together until next week when you go back to New York."

I didn't know what to say so I just stood there staring at him.

"If you don't want to thought I get it. I just thought that we could get to know each other some more or something." His smile seems to be getting smaller, but I don't know what to say.

I know he means well and he is still doing this obviously after seeing Luke and me last night. I wish I could get that image out of my head. I wonder what it was like for him.

I can't say no, but there's this voice telling me that I should say no, this is just gonna end badly for me again. I shove that voice back down and take Calum into a hug.

Looking him in the eyes after pulling away from the short hug, I say "Cal, I would love to stay with you."

His smile comes back instantly. He leans down to gives me a quick but gentle kiss.

"Come on I need to show you something else." Calum takes my hand and starts to pull me to what I assume is the back yard.


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