Chapter 8: Surprise

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Brooke's POV

I slowly try to open my eyes only to realize there is a construction site inside of my head. When I get my eyes open, I check the surrounds and find we are still on the beach laying on the blankets we brought along.

I try to get up but fail. There is a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist. I assume it to be Calum, but when I look down I notice the arms are pale instead of tan like Calum's. I turn over to find out who the arms belong to and touch noses with the one and only, Luke Hemmings. Of freaking course.

I jump up and a let out a squeal, which frightens him enough to wake him up too.

"Luke, why was I laying next to you of all people?" I practically growl. He look at me with wide eyes, but I didn't see any surprise. He had to have done this up on purpose.

"Sorry. You and everyone else passed out. I laid you on the blanket and then you started shaking. I figured you were cold. You were always cold before." He mumbles the last part to himself.

"And you had the thought to what? Lay down beside me and put your arms around me, to keep me warm. Do you know how ridiculous you sound right now? I mean come on Luke. We both know that you did this on purpose."

"Yes okay. Everything you said is true. Sorry if you don't like it, but I really don't care."

"Why didn't you wake up Calum and I don't know, tell him? Then we could have just went back to the hotel."

"I...I um..." he stammers because like always he has no answers.

I can't believe Luke sometimes. He seems to be the same immature child that he was in high school. He hasn't changed at all on the inside. He definitely has on the outside though.

I never would have thought Luke to be the type of guy to get a piercing, a lip piercing at that. Hey maybe he's already got a tattoo too even though he used to hate the thought of one.

What am I saying? I'm mad at him right now. I just need to be sure that Calum didn't see what happened. I can't believe I kissed Luke. I'm never getting that drunk while I'm near him again.

What's Calum gonna think?


Luke's POV

Why does she always do this to me? Better question, why do I always let her do this? She knows I don't think sometimes, I just act. I can't help it and I was too drunk anyway.

"I don't need you yelling at me either, Brooke. It's too early and I'm sure I'm not the only one with a terrible hangover."

"Ugh Luke. You really kill me sometimes. Let's just wake everyone else up and let's go." Brooke always has to be the boss.

"Whatever." She hates it when I say that. I can't help but to smile. She rolls her eyes at me and I know that I succeeded at pissing her off even more.

Ashton and Marie are cuddling beside the picnic table. Mikey and Emily are cuddling beside the lifeguard tower. I don't see Calum anywhere.

I turn and see Brooke on her phone. I'm guessing trying to call him. He must not have liked what he woke up too. I try not to make it obvious that I'm listening in to what she's saying.

I know exactly what happened. Calum woke up before anyone else and saw us cuddled up. I now know that I'm right because Brooke is glaring daggers at me as she hangs up her phone and types something on the screen.

Man, if looks could kill I would most likely drop dead right now. Brooke would probably be happy if I did drop dead. Being the caring person she is though, would be sad for the guys.



Thanks for reading hope you enjoy. I know it a little short but, I'm trying to expand the chapters a little. Please don't forget to vote and comment.

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