Chapter 12: Dinner

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Calum's POV

The words Luke said to me keep replaying in my head. I can't seem to get them out.

I don't even finish eating, I go ahead and head back to the house. Maybe if I keep my mind on something else his words will fade away.

I can't hurt Brooke, not when I really like her. I know that we only met a few days ago, but that's how I feel about her.

How I felt the moment that our lips touched for the first time. Those sparks of electricity that she told me the other night that she felt too.

I know that I have met and been with a lot of girls, but I haven't felt this way about another girl. Every time I see her smile I can't help but to smile too.

When she was crying last night, telling me about the past, I wanted to find Luke and make him hurt for what he did to her. I couldn't do that though, he's like my brother.

A small part of me wants to hate him for what he's done. It's like she said though. It's in the past and we need to leave it in the past.

I need to leave it in the past.


Brooke's POV

I can't wait for Calum to get back. I know he said we would go out to eat, but I don't really like it when people spend money on me.

So instead I made lasagna. He told me that he loves pasta. I just hope that he didn't grab a bite with the guys.

I went to the mall with Marie earlier, and she insisted that I had to buy a dress to wear tonight. She knows that I hate dresses, but she made me get it.

It's a peach color with matching high heels. Yes, she talked me into heels too. I don't like wearing heels, but according to her flats just didn't go with the dress.

The dress comes to about my mid thighs and the neckline doesn't go to low, it's perfect. I love how its sleeveless and at the top on the back is lace.


I go ahead and set the table and pour two glasses of water. As I set the glasses on the table, I hear the door open.

"Babe, I'm back. Where are you?"

"I'm in the kitchen." My words come out in more of a whisper because my brain is trying to function after he called me babe.

He walked into the kitchen and froze. "Wow. You look beautiful and you cooked something. I thought I was going to take you out." He walked over and gave me a quick peck.

"I know, but I thought it would be better if we stayed in tonight. Don't worry about it. I didn't mind at all." I put my hands on his shoulders and his find my waist.

"Marie and I found the mall and she thought that I should by this dress. When we got back I remembered that you liked lasagna."

Calum started kissing the corner of my mouth and across my jaw. Then, he put his lips close to my ear to whisper.

"Marie was right about the dress." That was enough for me to shiver under his touch. He pulled back and continued talking.

"I'm glad you found the mall and cooked. I was hoping you would go out and do something." I playfully hit his chest.

"Haha. Did you have fun recording today?" He waited until we sat down before saying anything.

"It was good. Luke and me went to grab a burger, but didn't eat."

I'm so confused now. Calum wouldn't meet my eyes when he talked. He must have confronted Luke. I'm not going to press him to tell me what happened if he doesn't want to. I will not directly mention anything to him.

"Oh, did something happen while you two were there?"

"Ya but nothing you need to worry about. Everything is fine." I couldn't look up to meet his eyes.

Calum walks over to me and bends down on his knees. He brings his hand to my chin to raise my head so I would look him in the eye.

"I promise okay. That if it was important I would tell you."

I can't help but to believe him. When I look into his breath taking brown eyes, I can tell that he is telling the truth.

"Calum, of course I believe you. You haven't given me a reason not to."

His smile grows from ear to ear. I can't help but to smile back. I just hope that after these few days are over we can still be together. Even though he will be recording and then touring while I'm stuck in school.



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