Chapter 32: I Love You

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Brooke's POV

So it has been two weeks since the whole drunk incident, and I have to say these weeks have been incredible. Nothing has really gone wrong since then.

Calum has been the most perfect boyfriend I could have asked for. When we do go out drinking, which has been quite a few times, he makes sure that he doesn't drink too much. I have told him that it's fine and drink as much as he wants.

His answer back is always the same "I am drinking as much as I want, which is not a lot."

Sometimes I just don't understand him. But I know that he means well and he doesn't want a repeat of what happened.

In a few more weeks the guys are going to be heading back to Australia to perform numerous shows. They are gonna get a break and spend time with their families.

The girls and I get the feeling that they are going to ask us to join them. I have been talking to Max almost everyday. He thinks that it's a good idea, but he has a condition of his own.

If I met Calum's family, then Max thinks that it's only fair for him to meet Calum too. That's where my protective brother comes in. I know that if that happens, Max will have "the talk" with Calum. I have to say that does scare me a little.


We are currently somewhere, to be honest I have no idea. I just know that the guys just finished a concert, and we are staying near a beach again.

It's been a little bit hard for me to keep up with the cities we are in. It's too much traveling and moving around for me. A different city every other night, if not every night.

Luke has finally asked out Lily and they are now a couple. Mikey and Emily are doing good. Mikey even went with Emily to get another tattoo.

Ashton and Marie are doing great. You can always catch them laughing together. Calum and I are happy because our friends happy again.

Calum and me are still sharing the tour bus with Luke and Lily. The girls and Luke have been very secretive lately. The other guys and I have noticed, but the girls and Luke won't give anything up.

Luke has been very nervous and always looking over his shoulder like someone is about to jump out at him.

The are practically pushing Calum and I out to the beach tonight. We just don't know why yet.


Calum and I are walking along the beach with our hands intertwined. It's a little bit after sunset, but the sky is still a beautiful color. Calum suddenly stops walking and pulls me into him.

He wraps his arms around my waist and mine go around his neck playing with his nape. We almost always seem to end up in this position.

"This is where it all started. Well after the concert and the party of course." Calum says causing me to giggle.

"I know what you mean, Cal." He lets out a breath.

"Thank God," he chuckles. "I just wanted to bring you out here so I can tell you something."

"I'm listening." I say looking him in the eyes.

"I know that we haven't been together long, but over the first six months of the tour we were really close friends. Ever since I saw you backstage at the concert all that time ago, I knew that you were different from every other girl I have met. I wanted to get to know you and I have now. What I am trying to say is that...." He takes another breath, before he takes my breath away.

"I love you, Brooke and I have known from the first time I saw you I would."

I am literally speechless. While he was telling me how he feels, I could see nothing but honesty and love in his brown eyes. I know that I feel the same way too. I have known for a while, but I wasn't quite ready to admit it, mainly to myself.

"Cal, I love you too." As soon as the words came out of my mouth, his lips crash onto mine.

The warmth of his mouth sent a current of warmth through my whole body. I gently tug on his hair as I became lost into his soft lips.

After a few minutes of  just enjoying each other in the moment. We heard clapping and we both turn at the same time. Calum has a pissed off look while I have the biggest smile on my face and take off running to the guy who broke up our kiss.



Sorry I haven't updated I was trying to get this chapter right. I wonder who's the guy that broke up their kiss?

I promise that I will try to update once a week. Thanks so much for waiting and reading.

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