Chapter 38: Ready?

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Brooke's POV

Sadly, Max's time visiting has come to an end. We're at the airport bidding him goodbye. I hate to see my brother go.

I know that I am around him most of the time at college and we won't be separated for much longer because of summer being almost over. 

The thing is, I seem to always need my older brother. He always there for me and always has been.

He has stayed with us for a week and now he wants to go spend a week with mom.

Max wants me to go with him for at least a day or two, but he knows better that to ask me. I only go home when I have to, which is not very often.

It works for me and Max understands.


"I am gonna miss you so much, Max." I whisper into his chest as we're hugging.

"I'm gonna miss you too," he whispers in the crook of my neck.

We pull apart and he continues, "I'll see you in a month, when you get back to the university."

I nod my head and kiss his cheek. Max turns to tell the girls and guys bye. He stops when he gets in front of Calum.

"Okay Calum, do me a favor and don't let anything happen to my sister."

"I won't, I promise." Calum tells him.

"Good," and they shake hands.

Max comes back over to me and we hug again before they call his flight. He slowly walks away and towards his gate.

Calum walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Come on, let's go get something to eat," he says and everybody agrees.

"After we get done eating, I say we have a girls day while you guys have a guys day," Emily suggests.

"That's a great idea. I think we could go to the mall."

The girls agree to go with Marie's idea to go to the mall. The guys aren't sure where they'll go just yet.


It's been a few hours and I am with the girls at the mall.

We already went to the shoe store and came out pretty good. I just got a pair of converses and vans.

Now, we are going from store to store trying to find anything that catches our eyes.

"Hey guys?" I spoke up finally getting up the courage to ask what's been on my mind.

"I was wondering if any of you have.... have... ya know, with the guys yet?" They stop and look at me.

I have been thinking a lot about sex and if I thought that I am ready yet. Not to many people know, but I am a virgin. The thought of Max, always made guys think twice about coming to me.

I know that out of my friends though, besides Lily, we're the only ones who are.

"Mikey and I already have," Emily speaks up. "It was kind of after we meet them, but right before we left back for college."

"I already have with Ash too. Except it was when we got here for their surprise," Marie continues.

"Well you all know that me and Luke haven't," Lily says.

"The question is, have you and Calum?" At the mentioning of it by Marie, I look down.

"No, but I have been thinking."

"And what have you been thinking?" Emily presses more.

"I thought that I might be ready to try," I confess while glancing up to see their faces.

Marie and Emily pretend like they are crying before Marie speaks up, "The little baby is growing up."

"Ugh shut up." They start laughing and we continue on like the conversation never happened.


After another hour of browsing, we have our arms full of clothes. We reconvened together, taking our findings into the dressing rooms and trying clothes on.

It's actually kind of funny how items were passed along the tops of our individual neighboring cubicles. A shirt that didn't look quite right on one girl, was recommended to another.

When we did reveal our outfits to each other, I noticed that a lot of clothes Emily brought in, where now on Lily.

We continue on trying on clothes when someone catches my attention.

"Hey Brooke?"

"Hm," is all I get out while trying to get out of this too tight of a dress.

"Try this on."

I took the hanger from the mysterious hand which floated into the small gap of curtain.

"What is it supposed to be?" I questioned, holding the nearly transparent clothing at arm length.

"Something for you to wear, and for Calum to admire." Another voice laughed.

As I twisted the material back and forth it suddenly hit me, all lace and frills. I am thankful for the heavy curtain between us, at least they couldn't see the embarrassing blush to my cheeks.

"Ugh, I hate all of you."

My scolding was followed shortly by shrieks of laughter.



Thanks so much for reading. Vote and comment if you don't mind, it would mean a lot.

Btw, here's a heads up. There will be a mature scene coming up in a few chaps.

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