Chapter 6: The Beach

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Brooke's POV

We walked along the beach and found the perfect spot. It's far enough away from other people that we can have peace and quiet. Where the picnic table sits, it gives us the perfect view of the waves and if we stay long enough, a view of the sunset.

After we got done eating, Marie and Ashton took off running down the shore together. Calum took my hand and we just start walking along the shore in a different direction.

The water feels so warm as the waves wash up just a little above my ankles. Calum decides to pull us deeper until the water comes up to my knees.

"Calum, what are you doing?" He gives me a mischievous smirk.

"Let's have a seat." I stared at him a moment in shock as he pulls me down with him until we were both sitting in the water, actually sitting on the sand in the water.

I glance out of the corner of my eyes to my left and notice Marie and Ash sitting on a picnic table making out. I turn back around to face Calum and we both start laughing.

He places his hands around my waist and pulls me closer until our faces were inches apart. I instinctively wrap my arms around his neck. Slowly leaning in until our lips are just brushing, I am the one to crash our lips together.

When we pull apart to breath, I can still feel his warm lips on mine even though they aren't anymore. Ever since Calum first took my hand at the party after the concert, I could feel something.

It was like electricity went from his body into mine. I don't think I ever felt like this towards a guy before. Whenever he smiles at me I feel like I could melt right there. Whenever his hand grazes mine or my arm, I feel the goosebumps.

Sure I have loved someone before but, it didn't feel like this. I know it's to soon and I am not saying that I love Calum. I just really like him and I hope that he feels the same way. How he has been acting gives it away that he does feel something though.


Luke's POV

After the couples left, Michael and I decided to play some football. He kicked the ball right into the water after a few minutes. I turned around to go get the ball and when I did my heart dropped at what, more like who I saw. Why do I feel like this anyway?

She is basically sitting in his lap and they are making out on a public beach, might I add. I don't know how long I watched them. I came back from my thoughts when I feel someone place a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you alright man?" I turn to look at Mikey while trying to shake the thoughts from my head.

"I honestly don't know." He nods and attempts to take my mind off of them. I had confided in Mikey last night. He basically knows everything now.

We were both pretty tipsy last night but, he still remembers what I told him. I told him everything about my past with Brooke and he said he understands.

"Hey,why don't we go check out that tiki bar we passed down the beach?"

That's actually not a bad idea. If I get drunk maybe I won't think about the past. I could stay here and most likely glance at them every few minutes or I could go get a drink.

"Ya why not, you read my mind Mikey."

When we got to the tiki bar, Mikey orders some kind of vodka mix. As soon as the girl behind the bar places the cup in my hand, I down it. I don't pay much attention to her, but I notice her watching me. I block her and everyone else out as I get another drink.

After about four, as fast as she could pour them I would chugged them down. The whole time I could see the picture of Brooke and Calum in my mind and I asked for another drink.

"Luke don't you want to slow down a bit?" Calum's voice startles me as Mikey sit beside me quietly and doesn't say anything. His silentness surprises me.

We hear a familiar feminine voice call out Mikey's name. It is Emily coming. They both order fireball shots and leave to walk along the beach. That left Calum, Brooke, and me. I knew exactly what Mikey was doing. Trying to help us all get along. Ugh great, I'm already getting a headache.



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