Chapter 26: Realizations

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Brooke's POV

Once again I wake up with the worst headache ever. Sometimes I wish that I never started drinking in the first place because let's face it, I am an alcoholic sometimes. I will admit that.

I slowly try to open my eyes. All of a sudden, I feel ice cold water being splashed in my face. I automatically shoot straight up.

"What the hell?!"

I wipe the water from my eyes, and I am confronted with one pissed off Marie.

"Brooke Williams. What the hell did you do last night? Oh wait, you don't have to tell me because I already talked to Calum this morning. You are such an idiot."

"Well good afternoon to you too. What are you taking about anyway?"

I couldn't be more confused right now. I honestly don't remember what happened last night. What did I do to Calum?

"You pissed him off by saying that you were with Max. He didn't know who Max was until Luke told him. Then, you practically said you didn't want to be with Calum."

Right now everything from last night comes flooding through my head. Ugh it's too much to focus on right now.

"He didn't let me explain, and I was drunk off my ass. I didn't know what I was saying. How did I even end up back here anyways?"

I don't remember how I got back from the frat house to the dorm. Everything after that phone call is a blur.

"Lillian went and picked you up after Max called her."

"Oh. How is Calum by the way?" I can't make myself look her in the eyes so I look to the floor. Marie sighs and sits beside me on the bed.

"He feels bad because of what you both said." At least I'm not the only one who feels guilty.

"Are you going to call and apologize?" She asks surprising me.

"What an apology? No way. He wouldn't let me explain, if anyone has to apologize it should be him."

"No, you both need to."

What? Both of us apologize? No freaking way.

"Well maybe we both just need some time." Please let her accept this.

"Brooke, what are you trying to say?"

"I am saying that he got that mad when we technically aren't even together. So we fell a little too fast and we need to get our heads together."

"That's bull and you know it. You are just to scared that you will get hurt like you did before. You never even told me his name either."

"You want to know his name?!" Marie nods her head, clearly agitated still. I can't believe she has to go there. I don't tell people everything because I don't like for them to know everything about me.

"It was Luke, okay? Luke screwed me up. That's why I haven't had a relationship and I freaked when we went to their concert." She is sitting there with two clear emotions on her face, shock and speechlessness.

I haven't told her because I like to keep somethings to myself. She knows everything that happened except that it was Luke. I always left that part out. Usually she leaves me alone about my "dating" but not this time. Why?

"Brooke I didn't..."

"I know. I'm gonna go take a shower to clear my head. Is that okay with you?" She nods her head again, but this time in understanding.

I grab my pajamas, towels, and toiletries bag then head to the showers. My hangover is practically gone now. I need a shower to think. Yes, she's right about me being scared, but I don't like to admit that feeling though.


I know I messed up, but so did Calum. I don't know what I should do about this. I have never felt about a guy, not even Luke, the way that I feel about Calum.

That is why I am doing something that I have never done before. I'm on my way back to the frat house, to talk to Max.

I haven't talked to him about a guy since him. I have to stop comparing my past to my present. He's my past and Calum is the present and hopefully the future. It's different and I'm different.

I don't have to knock. I just walk right in and head to Max's room. Him being the president has its perks.

When I get to his room, he's just sitting at his desk on his laptop. As soon as he sees me he closes it.

"What's up Brooke?" He looks a little worried. I don't blame him I don't usually don't come here without telling him first.

"I messed up last night." Max motions for me to sit beside him on the bed, which I do. I tell him everything that I remember. We can read each other like books. I can see that he's concerned, amused, but a little happy. Happy?

"Why do you look happy Max?" He just grins at me.

"Well first, you came to ask me for advice. You have never done that before about something like this." He pauses for a moment.

"Second, Calum does care enough to get jealous that easily before you two are even together."

"Ya I guess, but what should I do?"

"You're scared and I get that. Just tell him that you are truly sorry, but you need some time. He should understand and give you that if he does like you like the way you say."

"Thanks Max." I smile and hug him. I really don't know what I would do without him sometimes.

"And if he hurts you like Luke, this time I will beat his ass." I slap him on his chest and glare at him. He just started laughing.

"I better go, I can't believe you sometimes." I bust out laughing with him though on the way out.

We hug again and I leave heading back to the dorm room. When I get there, the first thing I will do is call Calum and apologize.



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