Chapter 17: Dinner Part 1

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Brooke's POV

The guys should be here in five minutes. I have to say, I am so excited. Emily gave us an almost complete makeover.

I happen to be wearing another peach colored cocktail dress, with nude pumps. The hairstylist lightly curled my hair. I have applied my usual makeup, which is light foundation, little eyeliner, and mascara.

Marie also got her hair lightly curled and used about the same amount of makeup as me. She has a cute black dress that the back is made of a lacy material, with matching black high heels. I have to admit I kind of like her dress better than mine.

Emily on the other hand, straightened her naturally curly hair and has applied a little more makeup. Her dress was a red and strapless one, with these amazing matching high heels.


The guys show up right on time. Mikey and Ashton are wearing black vneck t-shirts, with black tux coats over the shirts and, of course, black skinny jeans. Calum and Luke are wearing black button up dress shirts, with black tux coats over as well. They also have their famous black skinny jeans on.

When they walked in the door and first saw us, they stopped in their tracks. We do a double take on them, as they do them same.

Mikey was the first one to speak up, "Wow. You three sure do clean up nicely."

"Well thanks babe. We could say the same about you." Emily always was the best with words out of the group.

Emily and Mikey locked arms. Marie, Ashton, Calum, and myself followed by example. Luke just followed behind the group.

"You really do look beautiful, love."

"Aw thanks, Calum. It's all thanks to Emily. She knew exactly where to take us." I think we will all have a really nice night. Fingers crossed it is anyway.

"Luke?" He caught up with us and nodded at me.

"I know I probably shouldn't ask this, but did you invite someone?"

I really didn't want to ask him. I didn't want him just tagging along either. I feel bad for him right now.

"Actually yes. I met this really nice girl at the studio earlier this week. Her name is Carley. You would probably like her." He had a small smirk on his face and I instantly had a smile on my face.

"That's great. I can't wait to meet her."

We all get into the SUV. Mikey drove with Emily in the passenger seat. Ashton and Marie sat in the next two seats.

Luke, Calum, and me sat in the back ones. Me being the smallest had to sit in the middle. I made sure though that I was as far away from Luke as I could be without it being noticeable.

Luke must have noticed anyway because he let out a pretty loud laugh.

"What's so funny Luke?" I am glad Calum asked and not me.

"Oh nothing, just nothing." That's great Luke, just great he noticed.


We finally made it to the restaurant and its Italian. "Thanks so much, Calum. You remember how much I love Italian food."

He took his hand and scratched the back of his neck. Of course, why didn't I see this coming.

"At least you remembered the reservations. You did remember them didn't you?"

"No Calum remembered. He was just telling me how he knew you would love this restaurant."

Could I trust Luke when Calum looks like he is guilty of forgetting?

"Really. Well thanks, Luke. I knew you wouldn't forget. I should say thanks Calum for doing this." I stood on my tippy toes and gave Calum a quick kiss on the check.

"It was no problem babe." Ya right Calum.


We made our way to the table and that's when I saw her. It must have been Carley she looked just like what Luke described in the car.

She was beautiful with blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. She walked right over and hugged Luke.

"Hey, I hope I'm not late." She even has the sweetest voice.

"No we just got here. Let me introduce you to everyone." Luke went around and told her our names. She just stood there and smiled. I found myself doing the same thing.



Thanks for being patient with me. I had writers block and was very busy. I will try to update at least twice a week. Thanks again for reading. Please vote and leave your comments. I'd love to know thoughts.

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