Chapter 30: Drunk Mistake

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Brooke's POV

"Babe, wake up. We're here." I hear a husky morning voice say in my ear. I groan not wanting to get up.

"Come on, we have to get up." He tells me. I give in and start to get up.

I might have forgotten that we were on a tour bus, and with this bed being about four feet up. I roll off and fall that four feet until I hit the floor with a thump.

"Ow." Is all I can say at the moment. I open my eyes and see Calum looking down at me. He has an amused expression on his face.

"Are you okay?" He asks while trying to hold back laughter.

"Ya, I am totally fine. I'm good. Just give me a second." I don't even try to get up.

Luke walks back from the front of the bus and stares at me then looks back up at Calum. He lends me a hand which I gladly take.

"Did you forget?" He asks me. I just nod and he smiles.


"No problem." He says.

Calum jumps down behind me. He wraps his arm around my waist and kisses my cheek.

"Sorry," he whispers.

"It's not your fault. Hey,
what time is it?" I turn and ask Luke.

"It's ten in the morning. We have sound check at four."

"Okay thanks." Luke turns around and leaves the bus behind Lily.

Calum turns me around to face him. His hands go on my waist and mine find his neck.

"So I am guessing we are at the hotel."
I am hoping that I am right.

"Yes. How about we go and get ready. Then, I am going to take you somewhere."

"Sounds great." I lean in and give Calum a quick peck, earning a pout from him.

"Is that all I get?" I lean back in, kissing him for a few minutes. It's blissful, with our lips moving in sync, that is until I pull away.

"Maybe later," I whisper in his ear. He only groans in response.

"I will be counting on that." He gives me a smirk followed by a wink.

"I know you will," I smile back at him.

Calum takes my hand and pulls me out of the bus. Thankfully, we are at the back of the hotel. That means that I don't have to worry about going through a crowd of fans just yet.


After I get out of the shower, I see Calum standing there in his usual attire. A Green Day t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and black converses.

I put on a black plaid button-up shirt, black skinny jeans, black high-top converses, and a grayish beanie. I may have stolen the shirt and beanie from Calum's bag. The shirt is so soft and I couldn't resist.

I didn't straighten my hair so it's in loose curls. I just apply a little foundation and mascara.

"Are you ready?" Calum asks.

"Yup. Where are we going anyway?" I can't help but to ask. Curiosity is after all one of my key points.

"I don't know. You will just have to wait and see. You look beautiful by the way."

"Thanks." He smiles at me which I return.

Calum takes my hand and intertwines our fingers. We walk to the elevator and we see our friends.

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