Chapter 18: Dinner Part 2

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Brooke's POV

We are all sitting here having a nice dinner talking about this and that. We ask Carley about herself, and she returns the gesture. We talk about college and the guys up coming time for recording their new album.

Everything is going great until Luke asks this one question, "Are you lads going to try for long distance relationships with the girls?"

They all nod, and I am glad they did too. I look at Luke and ask the same question, "What about you two?"

Carley smiles and says "We are just going to try a friendship." Ouch I know that hurt Luke.

"But maybe it could turn into more." When she says that, she turns to him and he smiles back.

During dinner, when ever Calum would whisper in my ear or put his hand on my knee it seemed like Luke did the same thing to Carley. I think Calum noticed it because after a few times his jaw tensed and he stopped showing any affection.

I placed my hand on Calum's thigh to try help him just calm down and not do anything stupid.

When I start to get up and excuse myself, not only does Calum stand up but so does Luke. Right then I knew their was going to be words said. When I walked away it looked like we were about to leave.

Why can't we leave peacefully?


I walk back from the restroom I see Luke and Calum talking. Then, I hear yelling, I can only guess what is going on. As I get closer I see Luke motion my way, but he must not have seen me. Neither of them have seen me.

I see Calum bring back his right arm and his hand was balled in a fist. I already know what is going to happen next.

He hits Luke square in the jaw. Luke stumbles backwards, but comes back up.

He brings back his right fist and hits Calum m in the lip. It looks like Calum is going to hit him again, but I run in front of Luke. Calum just shoved me back on Luke not realizing it was me.
Thankfully Luke caught me.

"Brooke, I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were coming. If I did I wouldn't have done that I swear." Calum tries to apologize once he realizes what he did.

I get back up on my feet and let him know that I understand.

"I know. Let's just go and get out of here before someone calls the cops. I can't believe you two. I mean look at you. Calum you got a busted lip and Luke you got a bruise starting on you check. What were you thinking?" They both were sending each other daggers, just daring the other to say something first.

"Whatever. Let's just go." I walk out not waiting on them. When we get outside our friends look confused.

"What did we miss in there?" Ashton asks and I just shake my head and mouth 'you don't wanna know'. He gets the picture thankfully.


Calum's POV

I waited until after everyone else went outside, and Brooke was in the restroom to confront Luke.

"What the hell was that?" He looked at me with a small smirk on his lips.

"I don't know what your talking about."

"Really? You're going to play it that way. Fine I will just say it." I tell him through gritted teeth.

"Go ahead. It's probably stupid anyway."

"You kept looking at her and whenever I did something, you did the same thing to Carley. She was your date remember?"

"Okay you caught me. And?"

Really? That's all Luke has to say.

"So pay attention to your date and not MY girlfriend." I get closer to his face and I know I raised my voice. I don't care that I maybe creating a scene either.

"You don't get it do it? Did she even tell you everything that happened when we were together. She must not have, if she did you wouldn't be in my face right now. Just give her time and she will realize what she really had and always wanted."

I couldn't take it anymore so I just punched him. I didn't expect for him to hit me back. I went to shove him but, the next thing I knew I shoved Brooke instead.

What did I just do? She falls right back on him, he catches her with ease.


Mikey drops Brooke and me off at the apartment and then they leave. She hasn't said anything since we left the restaurant.

"What are you thinking right now?" She turns to face me with a are-you-kidding-me look.

"I am trying to think what the hell is wrong with you. Why did you hit him?"

"Because you didn't hear what he said to me."

"Well, why don't you tell me?" She turns back to face me, placing her hands on her hips.

"I can't. Then, you'll think I was stupid for hitting him."

"Oh really you don't say? I already think that."

"Come on. Why can't you just trust me?" She walks into the bedroom and slams the door. I reach to turn the nob, of course it's locked.

"Why can't you just tell me? If I can trust you, you can tell me." Brooke yelled through the closed door.

"Fair. What are you doing in there anyway?" I hear shuffling.

What the hell is she doing? I hope she's not packing. This is the first real argument we've had. Its only been a week though.

She comes out the room changed but, not into pjs. She grabs her keys and heads for the door.

"Hey, where are you going?" I ask her before she gets outside.

She doesn't even look in my direction or turn around.

"I..I...just need some air okay. Maybe I'll be back if not," she lets out a deep breath. " I know somewhere I can stay tonight. Don't wait up." And with that she walks out the door.

I'm so frustrated with everything tonight, I just pick up the nearest vase and slam it against the wall watching it shatter.



Where do you think Brooke is going? Why is Luke so sure of himself?

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