Chapter 15: Day After

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Brooke's POV

After getting ready we headed into the living room to check out the damage from the party. Like we thought, it is trashed. I don't get how considering there wasn't that many people here.

I try to ignore it and go into the kitchen. Did I mention that the kitchen looks worse than the living room? I definitely hate to go check the bathroom that is in the hallway.

I am so happy that Calum did pick this house because it has a bathroom in the master bedroom. Calum came walking up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Whoa. Babe I'm sorry. If I would have known the house would look like this, I wouldn't have order so much booze or..." I turned around to face him and hushed him by placing my lips gently on his.

"Don't worry about it Cal."


We cleaned up the kitchen, and I turned on the coffee maker. I ended up picking up the phone to call Marie.

"Come on Marie. Technically, you and Ash did help make this mess. Could you to come and help us clean this up please?" I persuaded her.

"Yes thanks so much. See you in twenty." Then, I hung up and sat my phone on the counter.

I am so happy that I got Marie and Ash to help us clean. Maybe with the four of us, it won't take too long and it shouldn't be as bad.

I heard laughing, so I stuck my head out of the kitchen. I saw Mikey and Emily coming out of the guest room. I guess that they spent the night.

"Yes thanks Mikey we could really use your help." I heard Calum telling him. I knew that Emily would agree to help us clean without us even asking.

"Sure we did borrow your guest room. It will be no problem. Could we get something to eat and some coffee first?" Mikey asked, which reminded me about the coffee that I put on earlier.

I got out the carton of eggs and just put them all in the pan. I found a pack of bacon and put that in another pan.

As I was scrambling the eggs, I felt arms go around my waist. A hand reached over to the counter and got a piece of bacon from the plate.

"Calum, you can't wait?" He laughed with his arms still around me and nuzzled his head in my neck.

"No, I can I just choose not to. It looks so good and so do you." He whispers the last part in my ear.

"Ha ha. Can you set the table and get out the orange juice?"


After we got done eating, it took us several hours to clean up the whole house. We just all fell out on the couches.

"Let's never again have a hangover, eat a lot of food for breakfast, and then clean a house." Ashton was right. This was a bad idea, but at least the house is clean.

"I have a good idea though. Why don't we all go out to dinner tonight? I'll call Luke and he can bring a date. Then, it will be like a double date."

I have to admit that Ash did have a good idea. I looked at Calum and the others looked at each other. We all agreed to be ready and be at the restaurant by 6. Calum said he would make the reservations.

The guys are going to go and the girls are going to spend the last few hours at the house to get ready. Everyone is excited to stay with the friends today. But, I know that I will have to talk to Calum tonight.


I thought we would be staying at the house to get ready. Apparently, Emily had other plans. She drug Marie and I to the mall. We have dresses and shoes that we can wear. Emily says that you can never have enough though.

After about four hours we finally leave Kohl's. Instead of heading out, we go to some French named shoe store. Then, after the shoe store, is the makeup counter. Next, we had to stop by the food court to get some of those delicious pretzel bites.

We finally leave the mall with two hours to spare.


"Girls we just have to stop by the salon." I cannot believe that Emily just said that. Marie and I couldn't help but to groan.

"No. It's easier if we go to the salon. They can fix it like you want, without us complaining about our hair being pulled." Emily lets out the most easiest laugh I think that I have heard from her. I hate to say it, but she's right.

Emily usually does our hair and she pulls it a lot without meaning too.



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