Chapter 16: Getting Ready

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Brooke's POV

We all finished getting ready at about 5:30. We have just enough time to grab our shoes and wait on the guys to arrive.

I can't help but to wonder what they were up to today. I can only hope they didn't get off fooling around like they usually do and make Calum forget the reservations.

Sometimes he does seem to forget, if he doesn't have someone to remind him. If the day is special then, he automatically remembers to make reservations. At least that is what I have been told these past days.


Calum's POV

"I wonder what the girls are doing?" I didn't mean for the words to come out loud, but I am truly curious.

Mikey smiles and says, "If I have learned anything about Emily like I think I do, she probably drug Marie and Brooke to the mall."

I can't help but to laugh. Brooke hates staying at the mall for more that a few hours. Her there all day, I actually would hate to see that.

"Oh come on lads. Are we just gonna sit here and talk about your girlfriends, or are we gonna play FIFA?"

I know Luke doesn't want to hear about the girls. He's right. We should just play the game.

"Oh I forgot to make the reservations. If i don't Brooke is gonna be pissed." I can't believe I forgot something like this again.

"Don't worry about. I knew you would so I called and made them instead."

"Really? Thanks, Luke, I didn't think you would do that. Where are we going to eat at?" I asked.

"I made them at the Italian restaurant down the street from your little house."

I smiled "That's great. The girls love Italian."

He smirked, making my smile turn into a frown. "I know that's why I picked it."


Luke's POV

"I don't think I'm going tonight. Morgan is sick so she can't go out on a date."

I can only hope they don't know who she is just yet. I don't remember mentioning her being my cousin to the lads. I only brought her along because she asked to come and I thought it might make Brooke jealous.

"The girl you brought to the party?" I nod at Calum.

"Ya she talked to Brooke last night." Oh crap. When did she?

It must have been when I went to get something else to drink.

What did she say to her? I just have to act calm and brush it off.

"Really what did she say to her?" Calum smiles, he knows.

"That Brooke met her at a birthday party a few years ago."

What!? That's right I forgot, it was my freaking birthday party. I'm such an idiot sometimes.

"She also said that she was your cousin." There it is. By saying that Ashton and Mikey turned around and gave me the most awkward look I have ever seen.

"Luke, she was your cousin! What the hell were you doing bringing your cousin to a New Year's party?" I knew Mikey would say something like that.

"So she is my cousin. She just came to town and wanted to hang out with me some like we used to. I told her I was coming to your party and she begged me to go. So what?"

Ashton laughs, "That's why you didn't kiss her at midnight."

I'm utterly embarrassed. I just turn back to the video game. I didn't want the lads to find out or even find out like this.

"Your still coming tonight right?"

"Mikey, come on. I'm not going, I'll be an extra wheel in the way."

"I'm sure we can find you a date." He smirked.

"I don't want a date, and I don't want to go."

"Oh come on. We won't make it a date then. We will just call it dinner." Ashton says trying to convince me.

Gee, I wonder why Calum isn't getting on into this. I'm proved wrong when he turns and faces me.

"Come on Luke. You can come to dinner without a date. It's not like we can go without you."

"Fine, fine. If you guys will leave me alone I will go, okay?"

Mikey and Ashton both high five and celebrate. Tonight is going to be stupid.



Thanks so much for reading. I'm trying to write longer chapters. Don't forget to vote and comment. I really could use your opinion. Love you guys.

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