Chapter 29: First Night

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Brooke's POV

Calum Hood has to be the most sweetest guy I have ever met in my whole life.

He secretly set up this surprise trip, this date with the amazing view of the sunset and mountains, and he just sang Amnesia to me.

Now I really know how he feels about me and I feel the same way about him. It's good to finally get our feelings out in the open and across to each other.

We are also finally boyfriend and girlfriend, which I didn't think would happen this soon. I thought it would take us some more time. I am glad that it didn't though.

Coming here to see the guys, I just thought that Calum and me would continue to be good friends. Of course I wanted to be more, but I didn't think that he did.

I know that we will try our very best at the long distance relationship thing. The other guys have with the girls, I'm sure we can manage the same.

Calum and I are currently heading back to his hotel. Our things have already been brought there. The guys have to be move on to the next location for the concert tomorrow.

I found out that we will be riding on the tour bus with our guys. Apparently, they somehow got another tour bus so we will be together.

Luke, Lily, Calum, and I will be on one bus. Mikey, Emily, Ashton, and Marie will be in the other bus.

I kind of thought that we would share with Ashton and Marie. I never expected it to be Luke and Lily.

I have tried to tell Calum that they didn't have to do that and we didn't want to have the band split up.

He told me that it's already set up and they were all okay with it. I'm pretty sure as soon as the girls find out they will be doing the same thing I was, trying to talk them out of it.


We are almost back to the hotel, and the whole car ride has been quiet. It's a comfortable silence though.

Calum has our hands intertwined and currently sitting on my thigh. His thumb has been drawing different shapes on my hand the whole ride.

I am not like most girls when it comes to a relationship. They want their boyfriends to express how they feel through words.

I don't really need that. Actions speak louder than words. If you use words, you could be lying. Actions, on the others hand, freely express your emotions.

Right now, his action of holding hands explains everything to me that I need to know. He's showing me that he does care.


A few minutes before we get to the hotel my phone rings and its Max. Great, hint the sarcasm.

"Hey Max."

"Hey sis, I just wanted to check up on you."

"I'm good. Don't worry."

"Well, how is he treating you."

Max has barely said his name ever since I first told him about Calum. He doesn't want to see his little sister grow up.

"Great we are together now." I hear Max scoff.

"Ya, if he hurts you in any way again, you better tell me."

I am pretty sure that Calum can hear Max because I see him tense up. I give his hand a small squeeze to reassure him.

"Max, it's like I told you before. There's nothing to worry about. You need to trust me."

I can tell that he's slowly starting to give up. He's lets out a sigh.

"I trust you, its him that I don't trust. Will you promise me that if something happens you will tell me?"

"Yes I promise. I have to go, but I'll talk to you soon."

"Okay. Love you and be careful."

"I will. Love you too."

I smile and hang up the phone. I'm lucky to have a protective brother like Max.

He's taken care of me since we were both little. Sometimes it's like he is all the family that I have.

"So I'm guessing that was about me." Calum jokes trying to break the silence.

"Yes, but it's just Max being Max. He is usually like this with any other guy even if we are just friends."

"Well it's good to know that he is looking after you then."

"Ya I'm lucky to have him." A small smile forms on my face as I stare out of the car window.


We get to the hotel and see everyone already loading up on the buses.

Calum gets out and opens my door before I can. Him being a gentleman is actually pretty cute. After I get out, he takes my hand and intertwines it with his. I can't help but to let a smile come on my face.

When we walk up to everyone, Marie gives me a look that I know means that she wants me to tell her everything later. I nod my head and she smiles in return.

Luke doesn't keep quiet about us either. "It's about time you two got together," that earns a rather rude shut up from Calum.

We get on the correct buses so we can head out. I have never been on a tour bus. I have seen pictures and videos though. It's really cool to be on one.

I have one small question. Will I ever be able to sleep on a moving bus?

Calum and Luke give Lily and me a tour, it doesn't take to long. After, we head to the back to watch a movie.

I cuddle up next to Calum. I lean my head on his chest and he wraps his arm around me.

Lily and Luke are sitting pretty close to each other. If a scary movie is put on, Lily will definitely end up wrapped in his arms.

We end up watching Big Hero 6. It's a really good and sweet movie. Before its over, I fall asleep on Calum though.

I feel him picking me up, and I wrap my arms around his neck. He walks a short distance and he places me on a a pretty soft bed.

Calum pulls the cover over me and starts to leave, only I grab his arm to stop him.

"Stay," that is all it takes. He crawls in beside me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my forehead.

"I was hoping you would say that. Goodnight Brooke."

"Night Cal."



Thanks so much for reading. I will try to update a week from today.

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