Chapter 1: The Concert

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Brooke's POV

Have you ever wandered what your life would be like if you went back in time and changed one single decision?

I used to think about it all the time. There is so much in my past that I wish I could change.

As I became a teenager, I slowly started to realize that everything happens for a reason. Even the tiniest decision that you never thought would impact your life, could lead you into your brightest future.

It took some time for me to accept my small decisions but once I saw what they brought me, I couldn't be happier to be where I am today.


"Brooke, if you take any longer we are going to be stuck waiting forever to get into the amphitheater."

My best friend, Marie and I always love to surprise each other with concerts. I love to going to concerts, it's just that with this one she won't tell me who it is.

"I'm coming, Marie. Calm down. You know if I knew who it was I could wear their merch and it wouldn't take me so long to get ready." I hear her sigh from the other room.

I finally finish straightening my hair and walk into the bedroom of our hotel room.

Marie looks at me with her lips in a thin line. "You will know when we get there and trust me you are going to love this band."

"I hope we are dressed right. I would wear the band t-shirt if I knew who." I press on as we make our way down to the lobby.

In my defense I hate being surprised, which you would think she would know this as long as we have known each other.

We both have our hair straightened and light makeup on. She has on a 5 Seconds of Summer t-shirt, while I have on an All Time Low one. We both have sour black skinny jeans and black converses to finish off our outfits.


We finally arrive at the amphitheater and when I see what band is supposed to play, my heart drops down to my stomach. I notice other girls around our age and younger wearing 5 Seconds of Summer merch.

"Marie, how in the hell could you bring me to a 5 Seconds of Summer concert. I told you I don't like the band." I mention to her through gritted teeth.

She grabs my hand and begins to drag me along in line, literally dragging me along as I protest.

"Come on Brooke, you wouldn't give me a good enough reason why you don't like them so I thought I could persuade you by seeing them live."


I surprisingly end up loving the concert. Those guys are amazingly talented. This wasn't be as bad as I thought it was going to be.

"Hey, Brooke," Marie says in a sing-song voice. I know that voice, she has something up her sleeve.

"I got another surprise for you." She holds up two backstage passes, I can't suppress a groan as it leaves my lips.

"Marie, you are unbelievable." I grumble under my breath as she gives me an innocent look with a sly smirk.

"Aw come on, maybe you would like them even more if you got to meet and talk to them."


We slowly walk backstage as the guys were leaving their dressing rooms. When my eyes meet a pair of blue ones they are instantly hooked, neither of us able to look away.

He has to recognize me, how could he not. The only thing is, will he pretend we don't know each other or act like he used to?

"Hi, I'm Marie and this is my friend, Brooke. We thought your concert was epic, we just had to meet you guys."

They introduced themselves, Marie already knowing their names. I only knew Luke's. Michael and Calum left to go take pictures with some of the other fans, leaving Luke and Ashton with us.

Ashton strikes up a conversation with Marie and Luke takes my wrist in his hand. He takes me aside, far away so our friends couldn't hear our conversation.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He blurts out after a minute of silence.

"If I had any idea Marie was bringing me here, I never would have came. Trust me Luke."

I don't know what to say or what to do. Why does he have to snap on me, asking why I am here? I definitely don't want to be here now.

We stand here for I don't know how long just staring at each other, unsure of what to do or say. Calum walks up breaking our uncomfortable silence. I mentally thank him while Luke looks like he could explode.

"We are having a little party and we think you and Marie should come." He looks at me with what looks like hope in his eyes.

I take this time to actually look at Calum. When Marie would show me pictures or anything I would only take a passing glance, but now I can see how hot Calum really is.

The tattoos on his tan skin, along with the blonde highlights in his brown hair seem to draw me to him. On the other hand, Calum is nothing like my usual type. He's the complete opposite.

I realize I am still staring when his tongue darts out to moisten his lips.

Before I could stop myself the words just roll right off of my tongue, "We would love to."

Calum starts smiling while I glance at Luke and can clearly see his face turning a bit red. If he is so upset with me agreeing then why doesn't he say something?

Even if he says anything, I would probably go against his words anyway. I used to like pushing his buttons before.

Let's just see how this party goes...



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