Chapter 20: Revelations

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Calum's POV

Brooke left last night and I don't know where she went. I have texted and called her every five minutes. It goes straight to voicemail.

I know she's pissed about what happened. She could at least tell me she is okay. No one has seen her. The only person I haven't called is Luke.

Maybe I'll just stop by his hotel room on my way to find Brooke. She couldn't have gone far. Her and the other girls have to go back to NYU tomorrow.

Wait. Tomorrow. We have to head to London tomorrow, too.

I have to make up or break up with Brooke tonight. It's gonna be hard to have a relationship when we go on tour, but we can make it work.

Can't we? I just have to find her.


Brooke's POV

I'm still so tired. I see the sunlight shining on my face from the window. I finally open my eyes and look around. Wait, where am I?

"Hey, look who's finally up." Luke. Ugh now I remember everything that happened last night.

"Ya. Where did you sleep?" Please don't say this bed.

"Don't worry. I took the couch. I made you some coffee too, it's in the kitchen."

"Thanks I can really use some. Do you have any ibuprofen? I've got a killer headache."

"Yes, I'll get it and meet you in the kitchen." Luke says on his way to the bathroom.

I slowly get up and put my hair in a ponytail. When I get to the little kitchen I can smell the coffee.

"Here you go. Coffee and ibuprofen."

"Ugh. Thanks, I need both." He got that smirk again and pulled his lip ring in between his teeth.

"I know. I remember." I start to drop the bottle of pills and I reach to catch it. All of a sudden, I feel hot liquid go onto my shirt.

"Oh Brooke, here's a towel. Are you okay? Did you get burned?" He actually looks concerned and worried. It's actually pretty funny.

"I'm fine just a stain on my shirt. You should know how clumsy I am." He just laughed, of course.

"Do you want one of my shirts until you can go and get one?" Before I could answer he was gone. Luke came back with a black t-shirt in his hands.

"Thanks again," I give him a small smile.

He smiles back, "Ya sure. It's no problem."

After I put his shirt on, I went back to get another cup of coffee. As I was walking back I heard two voices talking. Calum.

"Hey Luke, I just wanted to apologize for last night. It was just a misunderstanding." Calum was walking in the door and his eyes locked with mine.

He turned to Luke, "You're kidding me right now. She leaves me and comes running back to you. I guess you were right. I can't believe you Brooke or you Luke, your like my brother."

"No Calum, wait you don't understand. I poured coffee out-"

"I don't want to hear any of your excuses. I came here because I felt bad for what happened between all of us last night. I called and texted you, but you are here with him."

"Calum just listen to what she has to say. Nothing happened." Thanks Luke for finally stepping in.

"Save it. You can come back this afternoon and get your stuff from the house." I can't believe this is happening. He's not even listening to the whole truth. He's jumping to conclusions.

Before I know it, he's out the door. I run to it to try to stop him but, a pair of arms stop me. "Please Luke, I have to tell him. Let me go."

He turns me around to face him and uses his thumb to wipe away tears that I didn't notice were falling.

"It's going to be okay. I know Calum. Give him a few hours to calm down and then go talk to him. Shh don't cry."

He pulls me into a hug. I just ball up some of his shirt and cry until I couldn't cry anymore.

I lost Calum over misunderstandings.



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I got yall a plot twist and a cliffhanger. Enjoy. I'll update soon promise. 😘

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