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Arriving back home was a whirlwind of emotions, alcohol and cigarette smoke. I wake the next morning with my body layer across the floor in the foyer. The annoying knock on the front never ceasing for a minute. I stand on shaking legs as I push aside the empty beer bottle next me. I righten myself and unlock the door. I open it slowly.

It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust to the blinding light. I mean I just met Jesus for a good minute. I take in the short defender.

"Hey Bryn?" She questions shyly.

"Hey kell?" I retort squinting, trying to ease the killer headache.

"Can I come in?"

"Umm yeah. I got back late last night so sorry for the mess."  I step to the side allowing the brown haired girl through my door.

"It's fine. Umm I wanted to talk to you and you haven't been answering your phone for the past 72 hours so I got scared Ann umm I'm rambling but yeah."

"Hey it's okay kell. I shut off my phone and forgot to turn it back on. What do you want to talk about?" I ask as I rifle through my cabinets to find the bottle of Advil.

"Umm I wanted to talk to you personally. I hope you haven't read the headlines but I've just completed a one month in person rehab. And I came here to tel you." She states with a proud smile.

I can't contain my smile as I walk towards her and embrace the short defender. She slightly pushes me back.

"I'm sorry Bryn if I caught you at a bad time but you might want to shower before the kids come home?"

"Why do I smell?"

"Yes. Your breathe reaks of alcohol and menthol cigarette smoke is clinging to your hair and clothes."

"Okay. I'll go shower give me like 10 and then we can sit down and talk."

"Go shower." She dismisses me. I head up to my room and shower quickly trying to rid myself of the memories from the past 72 hours.

I arrive downstairs in the kitchen 8 minutes later dressed in shorts and a t-shirt. "I'm sorry about that kell. I just woke up when you knocked."

"Don't apologize. But if you don't mind me asking. What made you drink so much last night?"

"I-umm my girlfriend cheated on me." I say trying to speak as vaguely as possible.

"Who were you dating?"

"Nobody serious. And it's stupid I knew she didn't like me but I saw her with someone else and it screwed me up."

"Well rightfully so. Even if you suspect something it always hurts when what you thought comes true."

"So how have you been on the dating front?"

"Umm nothing yet."

"Did you ever ask out the girl you liked during the World Cup?"

"Umm Bryn will you go out with me?" She questions with a new found anxiety.

"Why where do you need to go?"

"No like go out with me."

"Ohh. Umm yes but no." I rush out not wanting to hurt her feelings because I do like her but I also need time to heal.

"What does that mean?" Confusion written on her face.

"I just got cheated on. I need some time to rest and get myself together before I throw myself into a relationship with you. I do like you Kelley but I need some time abs hopefully you can except that."

"I can wait. Just text me when you are ready for a relationship."

She gets up to head to the door. "Kell, I don't want you to put your life on hold for a relationship."

"Bryn you might not understand this now but I would do literally anything for you. If you wanted me to become a keeper or lift 1000 pounds I would do it for you. So text me when you're ready. I love you. Have a good rest of the day."

Kelley left and there was nothing I could do about it. Sam returned the kids to me a little past 5. Giving me time to clean and stock the pantry before they arrived.

We cooked spaghetti and chilled out watching movies late into the night. "How was Sam and Abby?" I question both of the kids before I send them off to bed.

"They were fun. Abbys funny and Sam is trying to be like 30 minutes early to everything." Ansley states before Brett gives his spiel.

"Sam tried to do a dance and ended up falling on her face. But it was fun."

"I'm glad. Now head up to bed. I'll be there in 10 minutes to tuck you all in." They run up the stairs as I sit back and think about the past 3 days.

Tobin cheated on me, Kelley loves me, KELLEY FUCKING LOVES ME! I mentally scream.

I like her I think but we all know how mine and Tobins relationship went. And Kelley's right out of rehab and now I have a new job and the kids are settling in.

I don't think I'm in the right place to date. But I want too. But it's not fair to subject kelley to a relationship that I can't give my all too.


This book got fucked up. Sorry for the shitty updates but this book will wrap up by chapter 55 at most.

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