The Accident

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This is the story of the accident from my story 'Remember Us'

Kurt's POV

I woke up to the beep of my wrist COM. I groggily lean over and grab it, yawning loudly.


Z: can you come to the lens, I want to show you something!

K: sure i'll be over in an hour or so

Z: awesome, I love you, see you when you get here.

K: love you too.

I slowly start getting up. I glance at the clock, it's only 9. Ugh. Why did it have to be so early.

I get around and head upstairs to grab something quick to eat.

I whistle for Wolfie to follow as I walk out the door and through spawn town. I see Guude standing by the portal.

"Hey guy" Guude says


"You on your way to Z's?"

"Yup, he wants to show me something."

"Figures" Guude says with a laugh.

"Well, I'll see you later." I say and step through the portal.

It's really hot in the nethe,. I've never been a big fan of it, but I know Z loves it here.

I walk down Z's tunnel and through the portal. I step onto the cool sandstone of the lens, thankful to be out of the heat.

"Hey Z, I'm here" I call out.

"Hold on" I hear from the distance

There's a cracking sound and Z appears in front of me, which causes me to jump.

"Sorry" Z says

"It's ok" I say and wrap my arms around Z's waist.

I bring Z into a kiss. we stay like that for a while, before I finally pull away.

"So what did you want to show me?" I ask

"I built a new level!" Z says excitedly

"Awesome" I say

Z leads me through the lens, heading up a bunch of steps and finally into a dimly lit area.

I come to a dead stop. The new level is amazing. It has a telescope and a bunch of star charts set up. It would be perfect for star gazing!

"Wow Z.... this is amazing!" I say

"I knew you'd love it!" Z says before kissing me.

I finally pull away, intent on examining the telescope. I walk over towards the telescope which is positioned towards the edge.

I hear running behind me and I turn to look but have a searing pain shoot through me. I scream in agony as I feel like I'm falling, unable to catch myself. The world slowly goes black as I finally find something, that something hitting my back hard.

Zisteau's POV

I hear light foot steps near me, and turned to see a creeper maybe a foot from Kurt, who was oblivious to its existence.

I run as fast as I can and swing at the creeper but, I was too late. It blew up. I went flying backwards, a searing pain shooting through my head. I hear Kurt scream in agony.

"Kurt" I call out, but get no response.

I hear a loud thud and jump to my feet, running over to the edge. I see Kurt's body laying on the ground limp.

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