Board Games

287 14 7

Beef's POV

Etho has been in his room at team Canada base for the last two days. He went through a really bad break up with Seth. Etho had caught Seth cheating on him with Doc. He is an emotional wreck.

"Hey pause" I say when walks into the room.
"What?" Pause replies
"I think we should try to cheer up Etho, I'm kinda worried about him."
"Ya maybe, but how?"
"Umm. I'm not sure."
"Maybe we can play a board game." Pause suggests
"That might actually work."
"You grab the board game ill get Etho" I say and leave the room. I knock on Etho's door.
"Come in." Etho says
I walk in and sit on the edge of the bed.
"Hey E, how you feeling?" I ask
"Lost" He replies
"Me and Pause are gonna play a board game, you wanna play to?"
"Come on, you've been in here for two days, plus it will be fun."
"Fine" Etho replies and gets up.

We head to the kitchen were Pause had set up Risk. This is Etho's favorite game. Pause had also made a bowl of popcorn.

We all sit down.
"You go first Etho." Pause says
"Ok" Etho replies taking his turn and conquers a country.

The game slowly continues. Etho seems to be in a little better mood.

I see Pause sneak two extra pawns onto the board. I slap the back of his head.
"What the hell Beef." Pause says while rubbing his head
"I saw you" I say
"Was Pause cheating again?" Etho asks with a laugh.
"Ya, he was" I send pause a look.

Etho throws a piece of popcorn at Pause, it hits him in the face.
"Oh you want to play that game do ya." Pause says and chucks a few pieces of popcorn at Etho, who dodges them.
"I think I do" Etho says mischievously.

This could get really messy. I run to the other side of the room.

Etho grabs the bowl of popcorn and dumps it on pauses head.

Pause shakes his head causing popcorn to fly everywhere.

Pause and Etho are both laughing their butts off.

"Dang it guys, you made a huge mess" I say inspecting the damage, there is popcorn everywhere.

"Sorry mom" Etho says jokingly.

I just sigh and grab the broom. This is going to be a long night.

I finally clean up all the popcorn. Pause and Etho had moved to the living room. I walk in and see Pause asleep on the couch and Etho on a dirt pillar with an anvil in his hand. Etho notices me and puts a finger to his mouth. I'm not even going to stop this, it's not worth the effort. Etho drops the anvil and Pause screams.
"Hahahahaha" Etho is rolling on the floor laughing. Pause runs in the room.
"DOG PILE" Pause yells and jumps on Etho.
I just sigh. At least Etho is feeling better.

Hey guys Bubbles here. So this was requested by @BreeTheHeliolisk. I really hope you guys enjoyed and such. BYE!!!! :)

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