Too Blind

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Hey guys Bubbles here! so this was requested by Blazzium! here's the original request:

Do in whatever you'd like, a AvidyaJR or PaulSouresBeef. There must be violence. Also you have to mix Nebris in there somewhere.

So there is implied violence... hopefully that's ok. Also there's a lot of stuff I leave unsaid, and implied, so you can make of that information what you please.

I might do a sequel to this if you guys want it, just let me know!!!

That's all!
BYE!!!! ^_^

Nebris' POV

The pain I feel in my heart when I see Beef and Paul walking hand in hand through spawn town is almost unbearable.

(A/n he means either Paul or Beef, your choice, though there is a certain person.)

Nobody notices the bruises just barely showing, nobody notices the way he grimaces slightly when he walks. nobody notices.... but me.

Nobody's ever seen what I've seen, nobody's seen the pain he goes through. nobody... but me.

The only thing everyone else sees is the loving way they look at each other, the kisses and hugs they share, all the smiles and laughs.

What they don't see are the bruises, the cuts, the burns, the screams for it all to stop.

Why they don't see it I may never know, but it is plain as day to me. maybe it's because I love him, maybe it's because I just want to see him safe, never having to hurt again.

But I know that wont happen, I've tried to get him to leave, I've tried to tell him, but he is to blinded by love, and only love, to see what it really is.

He's to caught in the clouds to see. he thinks he loves him, thinks he really cares. Maybe he did at one point, but not now.... and I'm the only one that truly sees it.

But I'll just keep hurting, seeing him still with him, seeing all the scares, cuts, burns, and bruises that he causes.

I'll just continue to love a man that's too blind to realize something's wrong......

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