Reality Part 4

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The man stumbles backwards, clutching at his stomach, having been hit with a book. Pause watches as the syringe falls to the floor, smashing into pieces and the weird dark red liquid that had been inside spilling.

"What the hell were you doing?" Pause yells, running over and pinning the man down.

Guude just sits there, looking startled and confused.

"He was remembering too much! I had to stop it. I couldn't allow him to know!" The man says, grunting as Pause repositions himself so he is pinning the man properly.

"How could he be remembering too much? I thought that was the whole point of this!"

"No" The man growls "the whole point was to ruin Mindcrack!"

"What the hell is going on? can someone please tell me! I just want to know what happened!" Guude says, looking between the three men in the room.

"There was an... Incident.... we aren't sure what happened, really. But, it started when we all volunteered to be part of the experiment for a game called minecraft." Pause says, yet again adjusting his position.

"Mindcrack is a group of friends that you started. We as a group offered to try the newest and the best version of minecraft, which was a virtual reality type of thing. It made it so you were actually in the game, actually your avatar. But, there was this... glitch... instead of being able to travel between the real and the fake world, we all got stuck in the fake."

"Pause! stop! seriously, he can't know" The man says, still being pinned by Pause.

Pause glares at him "he deserves to know! He deserves the truth, which you've been unlawfully keeping from him."

Pause looks back to Guude.

"We all got adjusted to the new world, you were naturally the leader. Since we had been friends before the whole glitch, we got song well and nothing really terrible happened... well... until that day. anyway, we were all stuck in that world, we were there for 5 years total. in that time a lot of us grew close, really close. Then it happened. It was the day we finally left that world."

"Pause... please...." the man begs.

"I'm not taking anymore shit from you. at this point, I don't even know if I could ever trust you again." Pause replies, glaring daggers at the man beneath.

"We don't know what happened exactly" Pause continues, looking back to Guude. "It was just a normal day. We were all going about, doing our own thing, when suddenly, you came storming out of town hall, sword out and swinging. You seemed to be set on killing us, all of us. No one could talk you out of it. No one could even get near you without getting hurt, many tried, but failed."

Guude stares at Pause in horror, not wanting to believe him, but knowing deep down that he wasn't lying.

"Bdubs tried to talk to you.... but, you didn't have any recollection of who he, or any of the others were. We uh... we had to stop you.... so, we knocked you out. Then, for whatever reason, we were all brought back here, to the real world."

Pause stops taking, yet again. But, thus time he looked close to tears.

"You... well... you didn't wake up right away.... it actually took you a whole year. We were all devastated. especially Bdubs. And, once you did, you still didn't know anything. You couldn't remember who any of us were. That's we're he comes into play." Pause finishes, pointing to the man still pinned beneath him.

"Who is he?" Guude asks, still horrified of what had really happened.

"His name is...... Dinnerbone. He is one of the lead developers of minecraft."

"How does he come into play exactly?"

"Well, we wanted to try to get your memories back. So, since you didn't know DB to well, we thought he'd be the best to try and work you through it..... we didn't want what happened to happen again...."

Guude just stares at Pause, who was still pinning DinnerBone to the ground, incredulously.

"Can you get off me!" DinnerBone says pointedly.

"Not until you tell me what was in that syringe!" Pause says just as pointedly.

DinnerBone grumbles "it was a special serum to make the person who took it forget everything, and cause an outburst."

"Wait... you caused me to forget everything! you caused me to have to restart my life!!" Guude yelled

"Why?" Pause growls

"It was the only way to ruin Mindcrack. I knew if something happened to the leader, then the group would fall out, that you wouldn't be able to stay strong."

"We didn't fall out. we are as strong as ever. And, now that your gonna be locked away, maybe we can rebuild what we lost."

Pause stands up, keeping DinnerrBone pushed down to the floor with his foot.

Beef finds some rope and hands it to Pause, who ties DinnerBones hands behind his back.

Pause escorts Dinnerbone out of the room, leaving Beef and Guude.

"I... I can't believe I'd do that...." Guude said, tears forming in his eyes, threatening to fall.

"To be honest, we couldn't either." Beef responds.

"Will the group even except me back?"

"Yeah, they will. You are our leader."

"I don't even know how to be the leader. I don't know much of anything." The tears slowly started to fall down his cheeks.

"Don't worry, you'll get it eventually. You are a natural born leader, plus, you still might remember some stuff, if not everything eventually."

Guude just nods, unable to form a sentence.

"Now come on. Let's get out if this damn place. You've been here way to long. It's about time you meet the rest of the group again." Beef says

And, with that, the two walk out side by side, with the hope that the future would be brighter.

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