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MK was walking down the hallway with her books when she saw two people having a very animated conversation, one had tears in his eyes. She watched curiously, straining to hear their conversation.

"Well maybe if you were more open we wouldn't have this problem!" One yelled, looking rather mad.

"It-it wasn't my fault... None of this was.... I-I'm not the one who cheated." The other spook, his voice uneven, tears streaming down his face.

"I'm just done Kurt! I'm so much better off with Vechs!" The first shouts, turning and walking away.

The second of the two, Kurt, she presumed, just stood there, tears staining his cheeks, looking shocked, hurt, and broken. Her first instinct was to approach him.

"Hey, are you okay?" She asks gently.

His head shoots up, his gaze locking with hers, his eyes wide with fear. She felt so bad for him. All the boy could manage to do was his stare at her. She rubbed his back gently.

"Do you want me to leave, because I can if you'd like?" She tried again, hoping to get some response out of the boy.

"No... Don't... Don't leave." His voice was quiet, strained, almost inaudible.

"Then I wont leave." She says gently, giving the boy a kind smile. "Do you have a ride home?"

The boy shakes his head.

"I'll give you a ride, if you'd like."

The boy nodded mutely, biting his lip. She felt so bad for the boy. She'd seen him around school before, but they'd never spoken. She lead him out of the school and to her car, which was a piece of crap, old and rusted, but it's what she could afford with her part time job she somehow managed to keep. She tossed her bag in the back seat and climbed in the drivers seat. The boy sat hesitantly in the other seat. Though, it didn't take long for him to burst into tears, small sobs escaping him.

She looked over at him, her lips falling to a thin line. She rubbed his back gently, hoping to help him, though he didn't even seem to notice her, not fully at least. She was scared to ask what happened, for it could only make it worse.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" She asked gently, already knowing the answer.

He shook his head. "N-no."

"Alright." She gave him a sad smile. "Where do you live?" She started up her car, thanking god that it actually started the first time, or at all.

"Farland Street." He answered quietly between small sobs.

She backed out and started driving, knowing where to go, as it was just a street from hers. It was quiet as she drove, except for the small sobs and sniffles from the boy. She was worried about the boy, she could guess what had happened, a break up, what sounded like cheating. She couldn't imagine going through something like that, but she'd always avoided being in a relationship, simply because of the drama that could come with it. Plus, she was only a sophomore, so she needed to focus on school, and getting good grades. Plus, none of the guys at her school were really her type by far, not that she'd found at least.

"Which house?" She questioned as she turned onto the street.

The boy pointed mutely at a blue two story house. Mk nodded and pulled into the driveway.

"I'm MK, btw." She says, knowing she had forgotten to introduce herself.

"Kurt." The boy, Kurt, spoke briefly, his voice sounding strained. "Th-thanks for the ride home....."

"Its no problem at all!" She said cheerily, trying to share the cheeriness she felt. "If you ever need to talk or anything, I'm always willing to listen." She offered, hoping to get more then a one word answer from Kurt.

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