Prompt swap- for FallenLightWolf

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Hey guys Bubbles here! so this is for FallenLightWolf. I may or may not have gotten a little carried away, this is 2254 words.... oops.

Here's the original prompt: Pause and Guude and Fluffy. Pause was planning to marry Beef, but finds out he was cheating on him and so Guude tries to cheer him up. you can go from there

I really hope you enjoy!! this was so much fun to write!!


Pause's POV

I shoot up, startled. My heart is beating fast and I'm sweating. But, then I notice Beef fast asleep beside me and the fear that coursed through me subsides.

I keep having terrible nightmares about Beef slowly dying in my arms. But, then I wake up and see him beside me, and I know everything is going to be fine, because I have Beef. My amazing boyfriend that I love dearly.

I take a minute, attempting to get my heart beat back to normal. I look at Beef's sleeping form, he is so adorable with his messy hair and beard.

I finally settle back into my spot, cuddling close to the man I love.


I shoot up, sweat beading on my forehead. I glance at the clock, five in the morning. I also look and see Beef's sleeping form beside me.

This dream had been different. Beef didn't die, but he did walk off holding hands with some other person... I couldn't tell who.

I felt this deep sadness setting in my heart, even though I knew he was still here beside me, not with whoever that was.

I lay back down, but can't fall asleep, so I carefully get up and get dressed, leaving a note on the bedside table.

I head out of the house and to Guude's house. I really needed to talk, and he has always been there for me.

I knock on the front door and wait. eventually Guude, with extremely messy hair and clothes that looked haphazardly thrown on, answers the door, looking slightly annoyed.

"Do you realize what time it is?" Guude asks frustratedly

"Yeah...." I scratch the back of my neck "sorry"

Guude pinches the bridge of his nose. "What do you need?"

"To talk" I reply quietly

Guude's expression changes to a serious, concerned look "oh.... come in then"

I step inside and plop down on the couch.

"What is it this time?" Guude asks taking a seat on a chair across from me.

"I had another nightmare......"


"But, it was different. Beef walked away from me holding hands with someone else."

"It was just a dream Pause"

"I never felt this shaken after the others though.... I can't shake this feeling of sadness off."

Guude just stares at me for a second, a thoughtful expression on his face. "that's not the only thing bugging you, is it?"

I send him a look, that probably only further proves his questioning.

He is right though.... I have had something else on my mind for a while.

"Yeah...." I can feel myself blushing deeply

"Well, what is it?"

"I think I want to propose to Beef.... but I'm really nervous about it."

A very minuscule look of sadness crosses Guude's face, I almost didn't notice, then he smiles brightly "that's adorable! but what's making you nervous?"

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