Always Have Hope (Part 3)

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Ariana glanced back at Dezeray, seeing her walking the other way, her head down. She was really worried about Dezeray. She knew how much she'd been through, yet she was still there fighting, in more ways than one. She honestly couldn't understand what it's like, loosing your dad, not by death, but something just as bad. Or even in Zisteau's case, how do you stand having your husband taken away.

She shook her head sadly, her long light brown hair getting in her face. She continued down the road, only stopping when she reached the bakery, where her father would more than likely be at. She opened the door and the little bell above the glass door chimed.

"Hey Ari!" Bdubs says cheerily, sticking his head out of the kitchen.

"Hey dad." Ariana replies.

"Why'd you stop by?"

"Just though I'd say hi, I was on my way home."

Bdubs smiles. "You know, if your not busy, I could use some help."

Ariana glances at the clock, she had all day, so a little bit of time spent here wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. "I'd love too." She replies with a smile.

She hopes over the counter and grabs her white apron with pink flowers and puts it on. She makes her way into the kitchen. "What do you need help with?"

"Could you knead that dough for me?"


She heads over to the work station after washing her hands and starts kneading the dough, she guessed it was for bread, more than likely, but it was hard to say. She glanced over her shoulder, seeing Bdubs sitting on a stool.

"I thought you needed help because you were busy?" Ariana asks, confused.

"No, I needed help so I could relax." Bdubs says with a smirk.

"Dad!" Ariana giggles, grabbing a handful of flour and throwing it at him.

Bdubs brown hair turned white because of the flour and he fell off his stool, startled, but laughing.

"Your gonna get it!" He says, around laughs, throwing a handful of flour at Ariana.

Ariana giggles and grabs a tube of icing and squirts it at him, successfully hitting his face. "Bring it!"

"So that's how you wanna play?" Bdubs says with a smirk as he grabs a cupcake and smashes it in her face.

The cupcake falls to the floor and the frosting stuck to her face. She grabbed a cupcake and smashed it on top of his head, laughing triumphantly. He retaliates by throwing sprinkles at her. They stuck to her face and got tangled in her hair. She grabbed a pie, that happened to be banana cream and smashed it in his face, giggling, as she watched the whipped cream and bananas fall from his face, though a piece of banana stuck to his forehead.

"Oh my gosh. You guys made a mess!" Came a voice, sounding serious and silly at the same time.

Ariana giggled, whipping frosting off of her face.

"What were you guys doing?" Nicole asks.

"This." Bdubs says, smashing a cupcake in her face.

"Bdubs!" She yelps, but grabs another cupcake and smashes it in his face, making his face pink with frosting.

"Ya got me!" Bdubs laughs, throwing his hands up in defeat.

"Well I'm heading home, why don't you come with and get cleaned up Ari. Let dad take care of this."

"Hey! But she helped make the mess!"

"Yeah, and it's your bakery." Nicole kisses Bdubs. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Come on Ari."

Ariana follows Nicole out of the small bakery, leaving her dirty apron on a hook. They were quiet, for most of the walk back, just enjoying the nice weather.

"Hey mom?" Ariana questions.

"Yes Ari?" Nicole says, glancing at Ariana.

"Have you heard anything about Kurt yet...?"

"Ari hon, you know I don't get told this stuff. That's all for the council to know, not me."

Ariana frowns slightly. "I'm worried about him."

"I am too."

"I'm also worried about Dez and Z, they got in another fight today."

"That poor girl. I suppose you talked to her today?"

"Yeah, she was upset. I know she hates fighting with Zisteau, but she can't help it."

"I know, but she'll be ok. Kurt will be ok too."

"I hope so." Ariana says sadly.

"Just keep your head up Ari."

"I will."

They reached the house and Nicole unlocked the door. Ariana took her shoes off. "What did you want me to do with these?"

"Uh, put them in the laundry room, along with your clothes when your done with your shower.


Ariana heads up the stairs and grabs a change of clothes from her room before heading to the bathroom and turning on the shower. After it was nice and hot, she stepped in. She loved the feeling of hot water on her skin. And it felt nice to have the frosting off of her face.

She was honestly kind of nervous for this little adventure of theirs. Usually Dezeray was the daring one that thought all of this up and would suggest things. But this time, it had been her, and there was no way she was backing out of this now. How could she, really? Apple and Dezeray were counting on her.

Eventually, she stepped out of the hot steamy shower, shivering slightly as the cold air hit her. She quickly grabbed a towel and dried off. She braided her damp hair down her back so it was out of her face. After she was dressed she tossed her clothes into the laundry room and headed to her room, where she found a backpack and packed what she thought was necessities, clothes, hair brush, flashlight, batteries, and a few other random things.

After she was packed, she set the bag off to the side, where it wouldn't be noticed and headed back down stairs, where her mom was in the kitchen.

"Your dads running late tonight, said to eat without him." Nicole says, handing Ariana a plate.

"Thank you."

Long after dinner and late into the night and after Bdubs had returned home, she snuck out, her bag on her back and an extra bag in hand. She made it the bakery and used the key she had to get inside. She took loafs of bread, pastries, and cupcakes, making sure their would be plenty. After making sure the bakery was locked, she headed out, making her way down the moon lit path to the garden.

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