A Sad Attempt At A Feelsy Nebtho

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"Hey Etho" Nebris says, making his way into Etho's bedroom.

"Hey Nebsy" Etho says, looking up from his phone.

"You ready to go?"

"Where to?"

"We were gonna go out on a date...?"

"Oh, right. Yeah I'm ready"

The two head out in a comfortable silence.

As the two walked, several thoughts plagued Nebris. Etho had never really been one to forget stuff. It worried Nebris.

Their waiter showed them to their table and they ordered.

"Can you believe that next month is our one year anniversary?" Nebris asks

"Huh... oh yeah.." Etho says, looking up from his phone

Nebris sends him a questioning look

"It's my sister, she just had her baby."

"That's great!"


The waiter comes back with our food.

"So, did your sister have a boy or a girl?" Nebris asks after a few moments


"Your sister, she had her baby."

"Oh.... yeah, she had a girl."

Etho looks back down at his phone, his expression softening, a small smile on his face.

"What is going on with you?" Nebris asks, confusion in his purple eyes.

"Nothing... why?" Etho asks, setting his phone down.

"You've been so distracted all day...."

"With my sisters new baby, it's hard not to be"

".... Ok... can we just enjoy the rest of our evening together than?"

"Of course" Etho says, typing something on his phone before putting it away.


"Love you" Nebris says, moving in to kiss Etho, who kissed back gently.

Etho's phone rang, making him pull away.

"I gotta take this" Etho says, heading into his house and closing the door.



Nebris sat in his room alone, feeling conflicted and sad.

Etho had been avoiding him all week, he couldn't figure out why. He hadn't done anything wrong, at least he didn't think he did.

He really needed to talk to Etho.


Nebris walked up to Etho's bedroom door, Bouquet of flowers in hand. Etho loved flowers.

Nebris took a deep breath and opened the door. He gasped, dropping the bouquet.

Etho was making out with some guy.

"E..." Was all Nebris could manage to say

Etho quickly pulled away "Nebs! I'm so sorry... it's not what it looks like, really"

"How....? how is it not what it looks like?" Nebris says, tears starting to fall down his face.

"I... I...."

"I... I thought you loved me...."

"I.. I do..."

"You ignored me for a week! I thought I'd done something terrible. I thought you hated me!" Nebris sobs

"I... I didn't ignore you..."

"Then how come you never answered my txts or calls?"


"Who is that guy even? why would you do this to me?"

"It's... it's Seth....."

"Why?" Nebris sobs

"Nebs... please" Etho says as Nebris runs from the room, tears running down his face, his purple eyes showing how hurt he really was by all this.

".... I thought you said you broke up with him?" Seth asks, starring at Etho incredulously


"Whatever, I'm out of here" Seth says, getting up and leaving.

Etho sat there stunned, he was shocked that that had actually happened.

Etho realized how screwed he was. Not only did he cheat on his boyfriend and get caught, he lost his boyfriend.


Etho knocked on the front door to Nebris' house. His mom answers the door, looking rather upset.

"I... is Nebs here?" Etho asks nervously

Nebris' mom sobs a little "you... you didn't hear?"


"He... he killed himself...."


"He... he left you... this note"

Etho takes the note and opens it.


I don't know why you'd ever do that to me, I thought you never would, and I trusted you. I tried to be mad at you. I tried to get over it, but I was left feeling depressed. I couldn't take it. I loved you and you cheated on me. this is goodbye, Etho.

Etho's heart dropped as he finished reading it.

"I... I can't believe...." Was all Etho could manage to say.

Etho turn and ran away from the house, heart broken.

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