Just Friends?

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Hey guys Bubbles here, so prom is about a month away for my school. no I'm not going but I had the idea for this. this is going to be a longer one shot. also all the mindcrackers mentioned in This are in high school. Also @BreeTheHeliolisk I'm working on your request, it should be out at some point this week. Sorry for the lac of one shots this week I've been super busy. Anyway I really hope you guys enjoy and stuff.
BYE!!!! :)

Zisteau's POV

Prom was a month away, and I still didn't have a date. Everyone but me did. Every person I asked thought I was joking. Guude had invited me to go with his group, but they all had dates, so I would be a third wheel. I guess I could just not go.

I was siting at the lunch table with Kurt. Kurt is a pretty good friend of mine. Kurt is a grade lower than me, so he can't go to prom unless asked by someone.
"So who could I take?" I ask
"Umm, I'm not sure Z" Kurt replies after scanning the lunch room.
"Ugh, I guess I could just not go."

Kurt's POV

I just had this crazy idea. I can't go to prom unless asked, but what if Z asked me to go with him. Then he wouldn't have to be a third wheel.

"Hey Z, what if you asked me?" I suggest

Zisteau's POV

"Umm, but I don't like you like that." I say
"No, no. Not like that, we could pretend but actually go as just friends, this way you wouldn't be a third wheel." Kurt says
"That's actually a great idea!"

Now that I actually have to ask him, I have butterflies in my stomach. Why am I nervous? It's just Kurt. Plus we are only going as friends. Besides I'm not gay and neither is he.

"So Kurt, will you go to prom with me?" I ask
"Yes" Kurt replies
"At least this way I won't have to buy flowers" I say
"If we want to actually fool people maybe you should." Kurt replies
"You have a point."

The bell rings. Me and Kurt head our separate ways. I get to class and sit down. I was barely paying attention during class. My mind was on Kurt, and prom. At least I have a date. I wonder why I was nervous about asking him. It's gonna be weird acting like me and Kurt are together, it's only for one night though right?

Kurt's POV

I head to class. Z almost seemed nervous when he asked me, I wonder why. I did feel a little giddy. Its gonna be kinda weird, but it's only for one night right?

Zisteau's POV

I meet up with Guude, Bdubs, Kurt, Pause, Beef, Etho, and Nebris after school at the local diner.

"Hey guy" Guude says when he noticed me.
"Hi" I reply and sit down next to Kurt.
"So Z, have you decided what you are doing for prom yet?" Bdubs asks
"Umm, ya. I'm taking Kurt" I say
"Ooohh" Bdubs says with a smirk
"Not like that" Kurt stammers
"We are just going as friends, we are going to pretend to be together." I say and send Kurt a reassuring glance.
"You guys gonna come with the group?" Guude asks
"Ya" I reply

We sit and talk about plans for a while. Everyone starts to leave. I get in my car and head home.

I close the front door behind me and plop down on the couch.
"Hi honey, how was your day?" My mom asks walking into the room.
"Really weird" I reply. I'm still confused on why I was nervous.
"Well Kurt had this idea that I ask him to prom and we just pretend to be together, but just go as friends, but when I asked him to go with me I was nervous. That's all that's been on my mind today"
"Oh, it's probably nothing hon."
"Ya your probably right, thanks mom. I'm gonna go upstairs." I say
"Alright I'll call you down for dinner." mom replies.

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