Only One

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Here's the Pyrobee you requested @echoareyouthere

Pyro awoke, startled, to the loud clang of a wooden spoon on a pan.

"Gah!!" Pyro yelped "what the hell?"

"It's your birthday! come on dude, lets see your tattoo!" The tall Dutchman says excitedly.

Pyro suddenly lit up, the reminder all he needed to get up. He examined himself, finding a small tattoo on his wrist. The tattoo consisted of a cloudy night sky, which was really detailed and beautiful, a street lamp with a shadowed figure and a car further down the road that was there.

"Dude, it's so cool! look at it!" Pyro says, flaunting his wrist in Arkas' face.

"That is really cool, I wonder when you'll meet them" Arkas replies, starring in awe at the tattoo.

"I dunno, but I can't wait"

"Same" Arkas says sadly, his eyes landing on his own tattoo.

Pyro puts a hand on his roommates shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze "You'll find them eventually."

"Right...." Arkas says, not fully agreeing.

Pyro went to comfort his friend further, but his phone rang, cutting off their conversation.

"I'll give you some privacy" Arkas says, leaving the room, still holding the pot and the spoon.

Pyro answers his phone, finding that his mother was calling.


"Happy birthday Pyro!"


"So, what's your tattoo like?"

"It's so cool. I'll have to stop by and show you."

"Great! well I love you. See you when you get here!"

"Love ya too"

Pyro ends the call. He moves over to his dresser, digging around till he found a T-shirt and jeans. Once he was dressed, he headed out to the kitchen, finding Arkas eating a bowl of cereal. He gets himself a bowl and grabs the box of cereal from the counter, but finds it empty.

"Dude, you took the rest if the cereal" Pyro proclaims.

Arkas laughs "Less sugar for you to have."

Pyro grumbles, pulling on his, very childish, Dino hoodie and shoes. He grabs his keys from the counter, making his way to the door.

"I'm heading out Arkas." Pyro calls out "I'll be back later."

Pyro heads down a few flights of stairs, heading to the parking garage that was reserved for people who rented apartments. He finds his old beat up silver car and unlocks the door, only struggling slightly, and gets in. He puts the key in and turns it, expecting to hear the engine turn over and come to life, but, it doesn't even make a sound.

"Ah fuck me" Pyro mutters, slamming his fist into the dashboard "I just got this damn thing fixed last week."

Pyro gets out of the car, locking it. He pulls out his phone, texting Arkas to call the mechanic again. He heads out of the parking garage and to the sidewalk, making his way to his moms house, which was only a five mile walk. But, it did give him plenty of time to think.

Pyro's mind went to the tattoo and all that held for him. He was very excited about the tattoo, to say the very least. It meant that he would find his soulmate soon, or hopefully soon. He really couldn't wait. He wanted to meet his soulmate now, but then again, he was a very impatient person.

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