First Panel

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Hey guys Bubbles here! so I literally just got home from Chicago maybe three hours ago. I'm totally exhausted and sore, I'm also like half asleep sooo.... hopefully this doesn't suck. Its based in real life, Kurt still has his hair, I will also use Z's real name, which if I'm not mistaken is Tyler.(hopefully that's right)

Also! I've been thinking about starting a new one shot book where it's all SMS and its all based in the same time, but each one shot shows a different part. (I honestly don't know how to describe it.) so maybe look forward to that.

Also, @hostilederp im gonna get to your challenge thingy soon, I'm to tired to write sad stuffs right now. anyway I really hope you guys enjoy and such!
BYE!!!! :)

(Trigger warning- anxiety)

(Any of Kurt's flashbacks or when he zones out will be in italics)

Kurt's POV

This is going to be my first panel, and I'm nervous.... to say the least. my social anxiety has been really bad the past few weeks, I would have just not come, but it was something I had promised for my viewers.

I stood nervously behind stage, waiting to face the crowds. my palms are sweating, and I'm shaking ever so slightly. I had backed my self into a corner, away from the rest of the staff and the other Mindcrackers that had attended. I ran a shaky hand through my hair, man I'm starting to act like Guude.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped.

"Oh, hey, sorry... didn't mean to scare you." Zisteau says.

I look up and see Z standing in front of me.

"You ok?" Z asks

"I-I don't... know" I say

Z sends me a look. "anxiety?"

I nod. Z instantly brings me into a hug. I take a few deep breaths, attempting to calm myself. I nuzzle into Z, he really helps calm me. I let my mind wander to it's happy place, which happens to be the last time I really got to spend time with Z.

I stepped off the plane with butterfly's in my stomach. I grab my luggage and head out towards the main entrance.

I see the flash of a pig man hoodie and I'm instantly being hugged. I nuzzle into Z, my heart fluttering. I step back slightly taking in Z's looks, I had only ever seen pictures, but he was even better than I had imagined.

We stand there in a comfortable silence, just looking at each other. I look into the eyes of the man I hopelessly fell for, the one person I can truly say I ever actually loved.

"It's so great to see you." Z says, finally breaking the silence.

"It is indeed." I say, which causes Z to laugh.

"You ready to head to my place or are we just going to stand here staring at each other like we are long lost lovers." Z asks jokingly.

I instantly blush and look away.

"Hey, Kurt, it's ok" Z says gently turning my head so I'm looking at him again. "because that's exactly what we are, two 'lovers' seeing each other for the first time."

I blush even more, which I didn't think possible. "y-yeah"

"Great" Z says and lightly brushes his fingers over my cheek, which sends shivers down my spine.

Z grabs my bag with one hand, and intertwines our fingers with the other. I feel my heart flutter.

"Kurt?" Z asks, concern in his eyes

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