The Perfect Time To Say I Love You

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Kurt knew from the day he was given his 'power' that he couldn't ever fall in love. He knew how it would end. It would either be a heartbreak or a trip back through time.

He was 7 when he was bestowed with a gift from a magical man, he never knew who, but he remembered a long brown trench coat that fluttered in the wind, and 3D glasses.

Why he was given the gift, he wasn't sure. He couldn't figure out what use it would ever have. He had the ability to go back in time, how far back he didn't know, when he would say: I love you.

He didn't get to tell his parents that he loved them. It was difficult, but Kurt managed.

He thought he could manage, until he meet Zisteau.


"Hello class! this is the new student, Kurt!" The teacher says, a very nervous Kurt standing beside her.

There were a few muffled hellos from the class, but not much else.

The bell rang, signaling the end of school.

"Alright, that's it for today class, remember your project is due tomorrow"

All the students, except one, head out of the classroom.

"Ah, Zisteau, could you give Kurt a tour of the school and help him find his locker?"

"Uh, yeah... sure."

"Have a good day you two!"

Kurt and Zisteau head out of the classroom in silence.

Zisteau showed Kurt through the school, explaining a few things.

Kurt nodded at appropriate times, only half paying attention. He instantly liked Zisteau. Zisteau was nice and cute. Kurt loved his long ish blond hair and blue-green eyes.

He had felt an I start connection and really hoped Zisteau felt the same.

"And here's your locker" Zisreau says, bringing Kurt out of his thoughts

"Thanks for the tour"

"No problem, you seem nice, you maybe wanna see a movie or something together?"

Kurt was caught of guard by the question, but really did want too.

"Yeah... that would be great"

Zisteau sends him a smile "awesome"


After that, Kurt and Zisteau grew close, really close. Kurt loved Zisteau with all of his heart, but he couldn't tell him. He'd never be able to.

The two were together all throughout high school.


It was a rainy Saturday afternoon and Zisteau and Kurt were sitting together, playing video games.

Zisteau pauses the game and sets down his controller, turning to Kurt.

"Can you believe it's been almost 4 years?"

Kurt looks at Zisteau confused for a second "It's really been that long, hasn't it?"

"Yeah, it's gone by so fast"

Zisteau caresses Kurt's cheek, gently stroking it with his thumb. The two lean in, their lips meeting, starting a kiss.

"I love you" Zisteau whispers when the finally part.

"You too" Kurt replies quietly, holding Zisteau close.


Kurt had gotten away with just saying: you too. But, he couldn't always get away with it, and he knew that, Though he willed that that day would never come.


Zisteau had realized something, and it was quiet upsetting. Kurt had never told Zisteau that he loved him.

Zisteau was hurt by this, he thought Kurt did love him, but what if he didn't?

"Hey Kurt...." Zisteau says nervously

"Hmm?" Kurt replies, looking at Zisteau worriedly

"Why haven't you ever said that you loved me?"

Kurt was taken aback by the question. He didn't want to have to answer, he didn't want to because he couldn't tell Zisteau the truth, as much as he deserved to hear it.

"I... uh.... I"

"Don't you love me?" Zisteau asks, tears starting to form in his eyes.

"Yes! of course I do!"

It hurt to see Zisteau this upset, but he didn't know how to fix it.

"Then why have you never said it?"

"I... I..." Kurt couldn't find a logical excuse.

Kurt got up and ran from the room, to scared to stay any longer, afraid of making the situation worse.

Kurt went to run across the street, not bothering to look, tears stinging his eyes and running down his face.

He made a big mistake running away. Not only did he leave Zisteau hurt and chasing after him, he was too blinded by everything to even take caution.

He heard the screeching of tires and saw the head lights, then everything went black.

Zisteau ran after Kurt, hoping to defuse the situation he had started. When he got out the door, what he saw broke his heart.

Kurt was out cold in the middle of the street, a car speeding down the road.

Zisteau runs over to Kurt, taking his hand and looking into his blue eyes, where the light was quickly fading.

Kurt saw a blurry image and blinked, trying to focus. He saw Zisteau over him, his hand being held.

"Z...." Kurt croaks out, feeling his life energy dying out.

"Shhh.. Kurt.. I've got you. you'll be ok"

Kurt groans as he brings his hand up, gently caressing Zisteau's face.

"Zi.... Zisteau.... I love you" Kurt managed to say with his last ounce of energy.

"I love you too" Zisteau says with a sob.

The world around Kurt began to spin, Zisteau fading out, the pain diminishing, his soul being carried from one time to another, probably to a place far back in history.

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