Silence Speaks Louder Than Words (Part 2/3)

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All Kurt could do was stare at Tyler after that moment. He knew then and there what it had been when he'd first laid eyes on Tyler yesterday in the hallway. Love at first sight. He'd fallen in love the second his blue eyes had met Tyler's blue-green. He had never believed in it, not until now, at least. He just stared into those beautiful blue-green eyes, lost, forever lost in those eyes.

He blinked a few times, surprised, as Tyler moved away from him. He let out a small whimper, not liking of the fact that he couldn't be close to Tyler anymore. He gave the adorable boy he loved a confused look.

"The bell rang, sadly." Tyler explained, longing in those beautiful eyes.

'Oh.' Was all he could seem to sign as his mind slowly came back to reality, which just wasn't as great as the little world Tyler and himself seemed to be in where it was just them.

"I'll walk you to class." Tyler says, holding out his hand for Kurt to take, which he did.

They left the- basically empty- lunchroom and headed towards Kurt's final class of the day.

"Hey." Tyler said as they came to a stop by the door to the classroom. "I love you."

Those words made Kurt's heart flutter and made a shiver run down his spine. 'I love you too.' He signed, his smile growing wider.

"I'm guessing that means I love you too?"

Kurt nodded, bitting his lip. He looked at Tyler expectantly and treasured the moment soft lips met his own. Though, the moment didn't last long, despite them both wanting it to last forever and a day.

"I'll see you after school, okay?"

'Yeah. After school.' Kurt signed and watched as Tyler disappeared down the hallway.

He went into the classroom and collapsed on his chair, his lips tingling, his heart racing. He couldn't focus on the teacher at all; especially not when Tyler was on his mind. Or, more realistically, the only thing on his mind. He was head over heels in love with this guy who just happened to have waltzed into his life a day ago.

He couldn't get the thought of kissing Tyler out of his mind. He'd only ever kissed one other person before, and it was nothing like kissing Tyler; not even close to it. He felt like he literally melted when Tyler kissed him. The whole world seemed to fall from existence and they'd be by themselves in their own little world, which felt like heaven. A tap on his shoulder caught his attention, bringing him from his thoughts.

"Schools over." The boy told Kurt, who nodded his thanks.

Kurt grabbed his bag and left the classroom and heading to his locker. He put in the combination and opened it, shoving his textbooks into the- only slightly- messy locker. Hands were suddenly covering his eyes, which scarred the crap out of him. He spun quickly, his heart racing, his breathing raged as he was met with blue-green eyes full of mischief and concern.

"I'm so sorry for scaring you!" Tyler says quickly.

Kurt shakes his head lightly, smiling softly, for he couldn't be mad at Tyler; never. 'It's fine.'

Tyler gave him a questioning look. "Does that mean it's okay?"

'Close enough.'

An even more confused look settled on Tyler's face. "You confuse me so much sometimes."

Kurt laughed, the silent laugh he'd always had. 'I'm sorry.'

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