I will follow you into the dark

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Hey guys Bubbles here, so this is based on the song at the top. I highly suggest you listen to it.
Anyway I really hope you guys enjoy and such.
BYE!!!! :)

(Warning- suicide/ character death)

Blame's POV

I sit beside Pak's almost lifeless body. one day soon he will pass. It breaks my heart.

Me and Pak had gone through everything hand in hand. He was the light in my world. The one that silenced my worries, calmed me. Made me a better person.

He stood beside me when I was shunned for admitting I was gay. He hugged me and told me everything was going to be ok.

When there was no one else there for him, I was. I stood by his side for everything.

We traveled the world together. We saw everything together.

The heart monitor flat lined. The time for sleep is now. There is no reason to be sad and cry, because I will hold you close soon enough.

I grab my sword and plunge it into my chest. I grabbed Pak's hand and whispered
"I will follow you into the dark"

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