Lost In The Stars

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Alrighty, before we begin, let me express something! this is the 10k special! lets hold off on the negative comments *cough Adorabolical cough* but seriously, lets call a truce for just this one story, please!

Now that that's out of the way, enjoy the 10k special!!!

Zisteau had his camera, which had costed him an arm and a leg, hanging on his neck as he walked through town. A client wanted pictures of some of the old architecture from the town, why, he had no idea, but he wasn't one to question clients.

As Zisteau stopped at a cross walk, waiting for the light to change, he saw a man standing on the street corner opposite of himself. The man was tall and lanky. Zisteau could make out short brown hair and blue eyes. The man looked lost as he flipped a map, or what Zisteau assumed was a map, and looked around himself.

Zisteau quickly turned his camera on and took a picture of the man, thankfully, said man hadn't noticed.

The light changed and Zisteau hurried across the street, right to we're the man was standing.

Zisteau finally got a good luck at him. He was young, for starters, and he did indeed have brown hair and blue eyes. Zisteau gulped nervously as he approached the man, one thought on his mind: Oh god.... he's cute.

"Do you need directions?" Zisteau asks, catching the mans attention.

The mans blue eyes, which were a light, entrancing blue, looked up at Zisteau, pure confusion in them.

"Uh... yes" The man replies awkwardly.

"Where you trying to get to?"

"The observatory...."

"Ah, that's five blocks south of here" Zisteau says, pointing to a nearby road that leads there.

The man looks in the direction for a second before looking back to Zisteau.

"Uh... thanks... I uh... I better get going" The man says awkwardly before walking away.

Zisteau watched him walk away.

Zisteau continues on his walk to work, which was a small coffee shop in the middle of town.

Zisteau hated the job, but he wasn't making much of anything off of his art so he had to keep it to pay rent.

As Zisteau made yet another pumpkin spice drink, he couldn't keep his mind off of the man he'd met earlier.

Zisteau had known for a long while that he was gay. He'd had quiet a few boyfriends, none of them really worked out though. He'd recently been dumped by Vechs, his ex, who left him for some other guy. Zisteau had heard plenty about this other guy, Chad. Vechs and Zisteau stayed friends, which lead to a lot of Vechs bragging about his new boyfriend and how cute and adorable and bubbly he was. Zisteau was rather tired of it.

Zisteau felt lonely, he wanted a boyfriend, someone who would care for him, but, he didn't want another Vechs. Vechs was just too playful and giggly and sometimes evil for his liking.


Zisteau hung up his apron and clocked out for his lunch break. When he headed out the door, he was surprised to find the man from earlier standing outside the small shop, looking at a map confused.

"Are you lost again?" Zisteau asks, a playful and mischievous glint in his blue-green eyes.

The man looks up from his map, startled "..... Yes"

"Where you trying to get to?"

"I'm trying to find somewhere to eat.... know anywhere good?"

"I was just heading to lunch, mind if I accompany you?"

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