A Blind Date

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Hey guys Bubbles here! so for this one I use their real names, so Bdubs is John, Guude is Jason, Beef is Daniel, Zisteau is Tyler, Pause is Alex, and Kurt is Kurt. they are all in college. I think that's all. I really hope you guys enjoy and such!
BYE!!!! ^_^

Kurt's POV

I had told them I didn't want to do this, but here I am sitting at a table waiting nervously for some guy to show up.... supposedly he's a perfect match. even if that were possible, i'll probably screw this up with my nervousness and say something stupid or freeze up. ugh.... why did they have to be so persistent.

I have no idea what the guy looks like, the only thing I know is his name, Tyler. I didn't even want to go on a blind date, but John, Jason, and Daniel had talked up Tyler like he was the best thing ever.

I watched different people enter the restaurant. I know I showed up early, but I expected him to be here by now. I take another drink of my water.

I'm about to give up and leave when a waiter leads a person over to my table. I'm actually taken aback a little over him, he is gorgeous. he has kinda long blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes. he is wearing a blue T-shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes. I seem maybe a little over dressed compared to his laid back look. I'm personally wearing jeans, a light blue collard shirt, and my red converse.

I stand up to greet him.

"Hi, you must be Kurt" Tyler says holding out his hand.

I shake his hand "yes and you must be Tyler"

We both sit down and order.

"I'm so sorry I'm late by the way. I just moved here and don't know my way around yet." Tyler says

"It's ok, I showed up early anyway." I respond.

Tyler lets out a sigh if relief, he actually looks a little nervous.

"So... do you go to college, or work?" Tyler asks

"I go to college, at the local university." I reply

"Cool, what are you majoring in?"


"Awesome" Tyler says with a smile

"So.... um... are you attending college?"

"Yeah, I actually just transferred to the local university."



An awkward silence settles between us. I knew this would happen... I wouldn't be able to form a proper response and then it would become awkward.... great.

"I'm guessing your not the most social" Tyler says, breaking the silence

"Yeah.... sorry, I'm kinda awkward around people." I say and scratch the back of my neck

"Hey, it's ok, I understand... I just don't want to make you uncomfortable." Tyler replies and puts a hand on my arm hesitantly.

His touch sends shivers up my spin. I feel my face heat up, but don't move my arm away from him.

"Thanks" I say, a small smile on my face.

The rest of dinner goes by smoothly, I actually like this guy. I feel like I can really be myself around him, which is unusual because I have a hard time being around people.

The waiter comes back with our check. I go to pull out my wallet but Tyler stops me. "Don't worry about it, i'll pay."

"Y... your sure?" I ask

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